On the main menu if I push the F key the game makes the same noise as when a stealth field goes up. Does anyone know what that is?
On the main menu if I push the F key the game makes the same noise as when a stealth field goes up. Does anyone know what that is?
Are you sure it's the main menu? I can't seem to reproduce what you're talking about.
This post has been edited by Aithon : 04 January 2007 - 05:56 PM
Hmm... it seems like you have discovered a little Easter Egg in Ares! A thing I have been looking for in a long time.
But what i can't figure out is why your version of Ares does it, and neither mine or Aithon's version does it... Hmmm... this looks suspicius...
first, what version of ares do you have, Dr. Tall?
and are you registred?
- When in danger or in doubt,
run in circles, scream and shout. -
I've got 1.1.1
I've got a G4 if it makes any difference
Yes I'm registered.
But I haven't noticed anything happening when I push F
Oh and it might not matter but I got my copy of Ares from a CD, I didn't download it from Ambrosia's web site. (But yes I got it from the CD un-registered)
(This message has been edited by Dr Tall (edited 03-09-2000).)
That would explain it. Ares 1.1.1 network doesn't work on my machine, so I had to go back to Ares 1.1.0. That could make all the difference. If someone else is reading this, try it out. I'm curious if we can confirm this little easter egg.
It worked for me. Of course, I'm using 1.1.1. That's probably it.
Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war
The only other keys that do anything are the number keys-they start different demos.
Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war