When Hera is released there will no doubt be a multitude of plug-ins created, but how will people know which ones are worth downloading? My suggestion is simple: get a group of people from the board, prefferably experienced, have them play through the plugs, post their oppinions in a restricted topic (one that requires a password) if possible, come to a consensus on the rating (1-5, 1-10, something like that), and post the rating on the web board and/or the axis page.
Here are my nominees for potential review board members:
Fleet Admiral Darkk
Boba Fett
Commander Cicion
Admiral Dennis
Admiral Grammaticus (if possible)
There wouldn't be this many people in the review board, I was thinking about five or six would work the best. A good blend of opinions, tactics, graphical tastes, etc. is a must.
Give me all the usefull suggestions/feedback that you can.
"They're everywhere!"- hapless victim #203948