Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Indeed, yes. Good stuff. I'm not a big Becks fan personally, but he really should be with a top team. Plus, Beckham, Ronaldinho and Kaká all in the same place? Sweet.

      My more personal cause is for Arsenal to finish in the top four.

      Anyway, back to space. Anybody need any drinks? Or odd spatial phenomena? They seem to come hand in hand around here.

    • I thought this might interest several of you, it interested me.

      "We have actually given the go ahead to release the source to bring ares back, to the OSX platform" -John Champlin

    • Well, with Xsera well along the way, I'd say this happened several months ago. So shipfarer, are you from the past, by any chance?

    • That'd be a yes - it seems I left a temporal portal lying open somewhere. Be back shortly; I need to shut it before a Shoggoth squirms through.

    • With all the temporal eddies and hot spots about I'd say everyone in around here is from the past..., or maybe the future.
      Umm, time for another drink then,
      Mr. (I am not Psi-Corps) Bartender I'll have my usual please.

    • Dammit, another singularity must have opened up nearby and started screwing with time. Let me make you that drink, Anic, and then I'll have a look through the Lookamascope to see what's going on.

      ...Oh dear. Dear oh dear. Worse than I suspected. It's the highly uncommon and unpredictable Doublarity. Brace yourselves, customers. Who knows what might happen?

    • Relax; I'm not my own clone, after all.

      You know, the other day (which could have been before I was born with all these temporal eddies) I was thinking about members that have stopped visiting, and then I remembered The Apple Core. We can talk about how I've been here long enough to start making head counts later, but for now does anybody know what happened to him?

    • The Apple Core? - Wasn't he the one who got eaten by the bar's giant rats...? (Glances over to a darker corner where several eyes loomed lazily in the shadows).

      Doublarity! :blink: :unsure: 😮
      Frak! Better give me a Pan Galactic Gargleblaster then. And bring on the MeggaElephant, it's the only thing large enough to check the event horizon of a Doublwhatisscalled.

      This post has been edited by Lord Commander Anic : 28 June 2009 - 06:33 PM

    • Hey, did you see that?!
      The bar just fell off the edge of its asteroid.
      Or maybe it's the doublarity.

    • the patrons start running sideways back and forth and leaning to the sides as the camera tilts left and right, just like in the old movies.

      Dammit, I leave for one little... well, okay, maybe it has been a while. But the contractors who rigged us up to this asteroid promised me the moorings were good for fifty years without renovation. We must have been... sabotaged!

      Dramatic, note-by-note chord buildup from the brass section

      Quick, we must assemble a defense team!

    • Sabotaged?!
      Holy Jellibabies Batman!

      It's the Cylons!

      They're at it again.

      We all saw that Number Six who came in to service the Vending machine a few weeks ago, didn't we?

      (Looks around to the other patrons for support in the face of the blank stare from the Psi Co.., er Bartender behind the bar

      Hours here seem like weeks. But we're used to that now.

      Er just exactly how long ago was this asteroid moored to the Ambrosia hub then? Maybe the 50 years are up..... somewhere.... relatively speaking.

    • Once again stumbles in wiping off cobwebs and coughing up dust

      What did I miss? How long was I out?

    • shakes the debris from head I don't know, Sarg. Looks like something big hit us and knocked us out. Must've been the frakkin' toasters. I'll go take a look down by the manual access for the mooring cables. Anyone coming along?

    • Sure, I can knock you out in case anything happens. That way we won't feel any pain.

    • Hmm!
      What? Where? You paid how much...?

      (revives fully)

      Toasters? Again!
      I'm right with ya buddy. We'll toast those frakked up toasters for breakfast...

    • I'm right behind you! Death to the toasters!

      Wait, that's an oxymoron...

    • The expedition moves farther into the deeper access corridors and maintenance bays of the Bar, working its way towards the mooring cable manual controls.

      Does anyone else catch a faint hint of bacon in the air?

    • Bacon! It must be a trap! We love bacon, after all...

    • Bacon?!
      We all know what that means.
      Giant MEGGARATS!
      (They always use bacon scents to attract........, food........ ! :huh: :mellow: 😮 .)

      Um, btw did anybody remember to bring the beer and cheese from the bar?

    • An ancient hulk that once resembled a modified heavy cruiser drifts to the station and shudders to a stop in the docking area, leaking smoke and flammable gasses. Minutes later, an old man stumbles into the bar.

      "Wow, didn't know this place was still here. Good show, Cicion. I guess I'll have one of those greeny-blue-things please."

      Notices the commotion.

      "What's all this then?"

      This post has been edited by Mag Steelglass : 13 February 2010 - 12:58 AM