Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • So long as it gets paid the vending machine will always deliver the goods. Heavy metal bullets, very deadly, very valuable - in a scrap sense.

      The bullet marks on the vending machine heal up as it resumes its fridgelike state.

      A second small can of Frosted GreenyBlueŽŠ™ rolls out of the machine, along with a slice of HagrabiscuitŽŠ™: A special introduction of new product offer - two for the price of one.
      Another happy customer 😄

    • Mack buys a HagrabiscuitŽŠ™

    • /Skyfox sneaks away from finals just long enough to post before being dragged kicking and screaming back into reality.

      Only two left.

    • I still have three finals . . . Mack slams /skyfox into a pillow.

    • Cheer up guys, have a drink on the CorpŽŠ™
      LCA buys the two finalists a GreenyBlueŽŠ™ each, and smiles...

      ... summer's commin 😄 😄 😄

    • Boo! I don't like summer! There's no point to summer!

    • Summer is better then finals, or knowing what your grade is.

      /takes the GreenyBlueŽŠ™ and hides under the pillow. Blissfully ignorant of his grades.

    • I know what my grades are . . .and they're high!!!

      slams /skyfox into the pillow again

    • I am TEH PAX0R!!!

      Bow down and worship my |337 packing ski||z!!!

      LifeInABoxŽŠ™ brought to me by me.

      Attached File(s)

      This post has been edited by Skyfox : 13 May 2005 - 11:24 PM

    • :lands his heavy destroyer out front and walks into the bar as tumbleweed blow in:
      :kicks the tumbleweed out of the bar and walks to the counter:

      I was just flying by and thought I could use a drink. I haven't been to this planet in years. Say, your name sounds familiar... hmm

    • Hello . . . never seen you before . . . even when I went by another name . . . hmm . . .

    • I remember you.... Captain Page isn't it...

      Have a drink 🙂 not much else left to do round here.

      And watch out for those tumbleweeds, they eat the bolts on space ship hulls, keeps the customers from escaping...

    • Well actually its not the tumbleweeds that is the problem but the hampsters inside of them. They're likely to nibble your legs off. Fortunalty for us we are all wearing Masta Cheif suits which protects us from their deadly bite, but I don't know how that happened.

      Nods to Jimmy Page 1. "I think we met once, is a past life in a galaxy far far away..."

    • nods to /Skyox's signature

      Somewhat amusing . . .

    • The barkeep makes his periodic phase into the reality of the bar. Heya, fellas. Here, Jimmy, on the house for an old friend. Serves up a Devil's Breath in a concrete mug. Angel's favorite. I miss the ol' guy.

      Somewhere, deep within the confines of the Hagrabiscuit machine, a few connections are made that have never been made before. A tiny essense of thought takes shape.

    • ...and so durandal's mother was born.

      Little did we know that in 5000million years this once humble machine would slip through a time warp and become the mommy to the greatest AI of all time.

      I miss ARES... sniff sniff

    • Excellent, that's the Hagrabiscuit Vending Machine's OS successfully updated to version from version Three hundred years of brainstorming at GBCorp, and it's the .....1 that makes all the difference 😛

    • And they didn't even give it a creative wildcat name. I think the Hagrabiscuit company is getting a little lax in their procedures.

    • Not creative wildcat, creative wildrodent, it's codenamed "Vole 8"
      (They ran out of rodents aeons ago, and had to reuse them, er a few times, on round 8 now...)

      Still, Vole 8 is cool it adds multiple choice wedges with the basic Hagrabiscuit product.

    • "Dude, you're getting an Oohgij'MiqtaxXx!" 😄

      Vole 8, eh? Well, I hope it doesn't interfere with the bar's computers or droids. Suddenly a Hagrabuscuit logo appears across the chest of every bardroid.

      Hey, just a minute now...