Originally posted by Avatara:
Spring Break starts on Friday for me. Unfortunately, I start off Spring Break with two orthodontial appointments and end up getting my wisdom teeth pulled.
Well I sypmathize, although it wasn't sprung on me like it was on you. I got mine out last November, and it wasn't too fun. However you'll feel fine after about three days and you'll be eating pretty much the same stuff before the week is through. A couple of warnings: Don't Don't use straws, I heard this too and didn't but there are people who have torn out every last stitch whilst drinking a shake or a Dr. pepper. And avoid peanuts for a couple of months, those little suckers will lodge themselves where your wisdom teeth used to be, and it ain't too fun getting 'em back out. I also found that instead of taking pills with water (and though this is strange) I would stick them on a spoonfull of mashed potatoes (trust me, you will want to do this the first couple of days) and they went down as if they weren't even there. Anyway, it's not all that bad, so don't fear for you life or anything. 
Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
Spring Break, eh? From memory, that's time to get totally smashed, wander around having promiscious sex, and other activities usually reserved for Friday and Saturday nights. American traditions, eh?
What are they telling you over there in Sydney? Lol. Maybe that's Pikeman's dream vacation, but it sounds very unlike anything I'll be doing.
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