Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Cantharan Gateship
      😛 What can i say? It can kill every ship in the game 1on1 after all, and even when you kill it it just jumps out of the system.

      Sign up for the Ares ladder
      GameRanger/MagChat SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

    • Except when you DO kill it 😉

      There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

    • I'll probobly be hated for this but i havent regisered yet. i just havnt the $$$$!!!
      i plan to though. my vote- obish escort / do you ever get to pilot one?

      Insanity has its advantages

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Joveia:
      **For some reason, seeing that Salrilian carrier didn't frighten me. Should it have?

      The Journalist, are you by chance The Troubadour?


      Somehow, I just think that a huge, dark sausage that throws lightning is enough to alarm some people.
      Call me dense, but what's a Troubadour?

      The Journalist, with the latest news.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
      **I'll probobly be hated for this but i havent regisered yet. i just havn't the $$$$!!!
      i plan to though. my vote- obish escort / do you ever get to pilot one?


      No, u don't get to pilot one. But, in level 12, you have the option of piloting an Obish Battleship. It has the same weaponsas an Ishiman Carrier(no launch bay), but is a bit less clumsy.
      I don't hate you, by the way :). It took me a while to get $$$$ too. A tip: Until you've registered, stay away from the bars. If you do go in the bars, don't say you havn't registered.

      I don't have the faintest idea why I just wrote that

      The Journalist, with the latest news.

    • What's the current count?

      "Cleanliness is evil. Embrace the mess!"

    • 1400+ at last tally.

      I liked the Obish battleship. That thing could take a pounding and deal out a hellaovalotta pain before it went down. If it went down. If you knew how to pilot at all it shouldn't go down. With a couple of gunships and cruisers for backup that thing made the perfect flagship. I wish I could've piloted some more ships like it. That Bazindanese jalopy just didn't have the same oomph.

      Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by El Spamo:
      **1400+ at last tally.

      I liked the Obish battleship That Bazindanese jalopy just didn't have the same oomph.


      I like the Bazidanese one better, because I love shooting randomly and still hitting something. It's true that the Obish one had a better combo of weapons, but a homing pulse, in my opinion, is better that a Cruisemissle. Please change my vote to Bazidanese Battleship. I hadn't gotten to that level(whatever it was) when I voted Assault Trasnport(which I do still like better than standard cruisers). Hey, don't look at me in that tone of voice.

      The Journalist, with the latest news.

    • Admiral– I may have given you false info. In level 10, I think you have a choice of piloting some Obish Escorts, or a Heavy Cruiser. Usually, you'll be using a Carrier to pass this level.

      Also- If/when you register, there is a plugin called The Iron Fist. It's entirely Obish-vs.–Gaitori. You play as Obish. Don't get this plugin until you've passed most of factory Ares. It's quite difficult.

      Please don't Scream at me for posting this here, I know this might not be the best place.

      The Journalist, with the latest news.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The Journalist:
      Please don't Scream at me for posting this here, I know this might not be the best place.


      Relax already! It's not that important. 🙂

    • Actually, although you don't get to pilot the Obish Escort in Ares, you can opt to pilot it by simply transfering control to one of the escorts when they appear. With the Escort you can easily take out the habitat station as well as all of the Gaitori and the relay dishes... heh! 🙂

      Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...