Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**I'll probobly be hated for this but i havent regisered yet. i just havn't the $$$$!!!
i plan to though. my vote- obish escort / do you ever get to pilot one?
No, u don't get to pilot one. But, in level 12, you have the option of piloting an Obish Battleship. It has the same weaponsas an Ishiman Carrier(no launch bay), but is a bit less clumsy.
I don't hate you, by the way :). It took me a while to get $$$$ too. A tip: Until you've registered, stay away from the bars. If you do go in the bars, don't say you havn't registered.
I don't have the faintest idea why I just wrote that
The Journalist, with the latest news.