The weapon that the "planet killer" would use is a 50 000 mega ton Nuclear war head...
Look just forget my last entery with "my battle" crap...
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Sgt.Jager sat in the piolt seat of his Ishiman/human made fighter. It was equipet with faster than light engins. The sargent was questining his motives for brining his fleet into the Pollux system. He was ordered but he didnt have to risk o much of earth's pressage resourses for this mission. The humans have only been liberated for a short time. Sgt.Jager decided that after the Pollux system was scure he would bring his fleet back to earth controled space. He would leave some of the fleet in the Pollux system to protect it but earth was bound to be atacked for there part in this compain. But the Ishiman did help free earth so he was obligated to help them keep at least this planet.
"sgt.jager to the 3rd carrier division," Sgt.Jager sayed.
"3rd carrier division here sir can I help you," the reply came.
"have the carriers move closer to the planet and lanch all the fighters," Sgt.Jager sayed.
"Sir, Over and out," the reply came.
"Sgt.Jager to fleet, Move into stratigitic points around the jump gate and around the planet." sgt.jager sayed over the comm.
"Computer get me earth central," Sgt.Jager Ordered the computer.
"Earth centreal computer core. May I help you sir" the computer replyed.
"yes get me the presedent," Sgt.jager sayed.
"well Sargent Jager nice suprise. How are the front lines?" the presedent asked.
"Ok sir. I'm going to be brining my persional cruser back to earth space and leaving the fleet in the controle of Skyblade. I'm sure that he could use it in the up comming fight's. I personaly need a vacation." Sgt.Jager answered.
"Well sargent that would be fine with earth centrel. Just to inform you that there is another mission that we have for you personaly, no crew, no fleet, just you and your personal fighter." The presedent sayed with a serious tone.
"Ok sir I will be ariving in the sol system in the next 48 hours." The sargent sayed before clicking the end button.
Sargent Jager flew in circles orbiting the planet for the next 3 houres waiting for something to happen.
- - - Incoming Tranismition - - -
"Operation Delta is offically underway as of now. Prepare your fleets to follow there orders." Came over the comm.
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fleet info:
1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
5 carriers (3rd carrier division)
30 crusers (12th cruser division)
1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
6 gunships (89th Gunship squadron)
2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
18 heavey destroyers (1st Destroyer division "code named the deadlty few")