Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Oh... Ok

      Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
      A name you know, a name you can trust.
      (url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)

    • Fleet:
      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      3 heavey destroyers
      25 transports
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
      Sgt.Jager rushes to the bridge just relizing his fatle mistake. He has just sent his fleet into a death sentence. He jumps out of the terbo-lift onto the bridge. "Ops. Curent time to system." he shouts runing to his seat."5 mins. Sir" the cadet reports suprsed from the sargents outbirth."order the fleet to go in full reverse ," Sgt.Jager Shouts still angry at his mistake.

      15 mins. later "set a corse to the Pollux system best speed," sgt.jager sayes still out of breath from runing through the entire ship."ETA Ops?." "35 mins sir," the cadet replies.

      36 minits later the human fleet drops out of hyperspace into the Pollux system. "Order the transports to start droping the defince drowns around the planet then hail Captain Skyblad. Tell me when you reach him. Sent this message "Hello Captain Skyblade This is the
      Commander of first human fighter squadron. Awaiting your inspection sir.

    • "We've received help from our friends from earth, and they are currently deploying defense drones to protect Pollux from possible future assaults," Skyblade's wingman announced across the comm channel.

      "Very well," Skyblade responded. "We need as much assistance as possible in order to defeat the Gaitori order. Demeter is our next step."

      Upon receiving orders from Ishiman High Command, the 12th Brigade then joined the 17th Carrier division, which together formed the new, experienced 17th Warfleet Division. Since the Admiral of the 17th Carrier division was killed after going down with his ship during the Battle of Pollux, Skyblade was promoted to the rank of Brigadier Admiral and given command of the fleet.

      ----- Computer Statistics -----
      -Ishiman reinforcements have arrived-
      17th Warfleet Division Numbers:
      6 Carriers
      25 Heavy Destroyers
      50 Gunships
      50 Heavy Cruisers
      125 Cruisers
      300 Fighters
      20 Assault Transports
      50 Transports

      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
      (url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 10-14-2001).)

    • "Cpl.Patterson please respond." Sgt.Jager Said."Anyone respond. Ops report." "well sir it would apear that a small meteroite hit our com dish in we cant send messages. I have sent a reipare team to fix the problem we still have the emerginciy chanels though." the cpl. at ops said. "Tell the human fleet that the next step of this campain is the Demeter system. have our fleet brought there in the next few hours. Whenever the Ishiman fleet departs have our fleet follow. Open a gold chanel to earth." Sgt jager Sayes.
      "earth comand go ahead," the computer cherps. " get me reforments from earth to the Pollux system" Sgt.Jager sayes to the computer, "what will we be able to get?"
      - - - Computer Layout Of reforments - - -
      25 carriers
      16 gunships
      30 heavey destroyers
      10 000 fighters
      30 crusers
      1 000 advanced fighters
      1 advance cruser
      - - - - - finish - - - - - - - - -

      "Send me 5 carriers 6 gunships 15 heavey destroyers 30 crusers," Sgt.Jager Sayes Quickly.
      "Adfermitive sir," the computer cherps age and shuts off.


    • After the conclusion of the battle captian Brookeview came abord Brigadier Admiral Skyblade's ship. After a brief chat about the battle captain Brookeview offered his help in the upcoming attack to retake the Demeter system.

      UNS Indigo Flame's Battle Group:

    • Skyblade listened to brookeview's offer with interest. Such assistance could certainly be used.

      "I tell you what," Skyblade said as he leaned back in his captain's chair. "You may assist me in the attack at Demeter. However, I give you a choice. A few days ago, our intellegence intercepted some data concerning an upcoming Gaitori counterattack on Pollux. Sgt. Jager has also offered me his assistance, and you both have formidable fleets. Would you prefer to remain in the Pollux system and defend it from another possible attack from the Gaitori, or would you rather join my force in re-capturing Demeter?"

      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
      (url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

    • (Ahh we are all posting at about the same time. god101 one of us has to assist the Ishimans.)
      Captain Brookeview ways the two choices in his mind carefully. The attack on Demeter would certainly be a very tough battle but if this intelligence of a second attack on the Pollux system was correct a small group of defense drones wouldn't cut it. And if the Ishiman lost Pollux while attacking Demeter the would be sandwiched and destroyed. "The Indigo Flame and the rest of my battle group will remain here in the Pollux system to protect you back." said Brookeview.

      Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
      A name you know, a name you can trust.
      (url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)

      (This message has been edited by brookeview (edited 10-14-2001).)

    • "I am willing to stay here to defend Pollux system admerl. Anyways there will be a lot of renforcemts arriving soon so if you need any help on your offencive just let me know." Sgt.Jager Sayes to Admeral Skyblade.

      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      3 heavey destroyers
      25 transports
      Pluse renforcments in about 15 hours


    • Fleet:
      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      3 heavey destroyers
      25 transports
      Reforcments in 15 hours
      5 carriers
      6 gunships
      15 heavey destroyers
      30 crusers
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Total Number's of United Earth Fleet


    • The United Earth Alliance is allways willing to ssist in a battle. We will leave in this system 150 defence drones and 25 missle drowns

      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      3 heavey destroyers
      Reforcments in 15 hours
      5 carriers
      6 gunships
      15 heavey destroyers
      30 crusers


    • when do you think the atack should start??

      ---In A Fare Off part of the galaxey a sleek black vessel is floting mosinless---

      "Commander incoming transmition," the computer cherped."Pass it through," Fleet admarel Jager sayes to the computer.

      "Hello dad," Sgt.Jager sayes. "Hello John I see you got your own fleet and a nice new rank of sargent," Sgt.Jager's Dad sayes with a smile." Just checking in to let you know I'm going to be going into battle soon and I just was wondering how the tests on your new ship are going," Sgt.Jager said. "We have traveled acrose the entire galaxey in 3 days withought troble but we have to weight for aboit 3 hours before we have the test results. Then we will be condusting tests on the advance weapons array," The admeral sayed."Well if you would like to have a real battle test why dont you come to the Pollux system in three hours." The young sargent sayed."Sure sounds like a plan. I will be there in 4 hours.Have some food ready for me when I arive. Rember I like stake rare and with muchrooms.

      - - - 4 hours later - - -
      The fleet admeral Jager come into Sgt.Jager's Quators. " Well that stake sure looks good it isn't synthetic right?" he sayed with a grin. "No dad you know I hate synthetic food. It was realy hard to get stake out in space in under 4 hours." Sgt.Jager sayed, " but I did it like you knew that I would."

      Later that evening. "well I hope that this battle is as good as you say otherwise I will have wasted 2 days here Except for the time with you." the admeral sayes. "well dad I'm sure that you will have more then you can handle. So I'll see you tommorrow." Sgt.Jager sayes to his father.

      1 Proto-Type Hevey gate ship/planet killer (code named " The Excalaber)
      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      3 heavey destroyers
      + Renforcements of
      5 carriers
      6 gunships
      15 heavey destroyers
      30 crusers

    • Well, I'm completely new at this, but it looks fun, so I'll give it a try.

      My Profile:
      Name: Lt. Hibiki
      Age: 24 Human years
      Race: Human
      Background: Veteran from the wars of the rebel humans, slight field expirience.
      Ships: Commands the 05th Cruiser squadron, 250 cruisers, A human Carrier Mk.II with salvaged Audomedon parts, (The U.N.S Protector, their flagship), and 325 upgraded fighters.

      and now, our feature presentation:
      A small, damaged recon squad of human fighters sped out of the system at lightspeed. The viewscreen popped up. "Sir, our squad was caught by some renegade Salrillians and severly damaged. We have reason to belive they've been hired by Cantharis to destroy anyone and anything entering that system. Also, our radar picked up a Massive object of unheard-of battle statistics. It seems to be under construction." Lt. Hibiki nodded. "Yes, yes, It must be that strange object our team picked up on the radar a while ago. We are relativley weak right now. We will have to gain allies before we can fight that thing. And we must do it quickly. Prepare my ship at once!"

      Well, thats my first piece of writing. Hope you liked it. This seems like a pretty cool rpg. Keep it up! 🙂 😄 🙂

    • (god101 I don't think even the Elejee could or would make a planet killer.)

      Captain Brookeview knew that the Gaitori planed to attack the Pollux system so he set about getting in the best defensive position he could. He split the defensive drones into two groups and placed one group at each jumpgate. Along with the drones he had two carriers including his own at each gate. The longer range missile drones he kept in orbit around the planet to provide long range fire. As for the cruisers he put them on patrol to stop any cloaked vessels from getting the drop on his forces.

      Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
      A name you know, a name you can trust.
      (url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)

    • Skyblade listened to brookeview and Jager's requests.

      "Very well," Skyblade said after thinking the matter over. "After all, Pollux will be extremely vulnerable during the offense at Demeter. I believe my own force will have the potential to defeat the Gaitori defense fleet in the Demeter system, but I will call upon your services should the battle fall into enemy hands. Should Pollux fall under attack during the engagement at Demeter, ignore my message for reinforcements and defend Pollux with all you've got. Understood?"

      "Yes sir," the two commanders replied across the secure comm channel.

      "Excellent," Skyblade replied. "Operation Delta will be underway at precisely 14:00 hours tommorow, human time. Have your fleets prepared for Gaitori attack, and I will take the 23rd Warfleet Division to Demeter in order to recapture it. Admiral Skyblade over and out."

      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
      (url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

    • Well I gess I'm the only one that is going to add something on monday so ya
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      This is my fleet at the start:
      1 Proto-Type Hevey gate ship/planet killer (code named " The Excalaber)
      5 carriers
      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      30 crusers
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      6 gunships
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      18 heavey destroyers

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      'Take us out at 3/4 full speed," Sgt.Jager sayed confidently ," Bring our fleet to the jump point and bring the weapons and shealding on line. Arm the long range missles."
      "Sir where here," the cadet at Ops sayed. "Open the jump point," Sgt.jager sayed with a grin," and arm all the nucklear war heads and prepare a lanch them into the jump gate.Arm them to hit any ships after they exit the jump gate."
      click, click, click. beep beep. "Done sir," thr young cadet sayed. "Lanch all of the war heads the fleet has," Sgt.Jager sayed with an evil grin. "lanching, sir," she sayied with a smile of utter pleasure. "In 2 mins send in all of out fleet then open another jumpgate seperating the 2 fleets," the sargent sayed with an even eveler grin. It was if the sargent was getting back at the Gaitori order for some miss dead that the had done to him. "Well cadet first time into battle?" Sgt.Jager asked with some intrest."Yes sir, actualy I came in first in dogfights out of the entire accadmy.I'm in the school record books for the best dogfights in there history," she sayed."Well then I'm glad that you will be flying my ship cadet or should I say corporal," the sargent sayed happlie.beep beep "Sir the missles have entered the Gaitori battle fleet and have destroyed 102 crusers including the flag ship. other ships our crippled. computer stats being displaded," she sayed as she pushed the main screen button.
      ----- Computer Statistics -----
      -Gaitori order Battle fleet-(after atack of missles)
      6 Carriers (operational)
      156 crippled carriers (no danger)
      25 Heavy Destroyers
      100 crippled Heavy Destroyers
      125 Cruisers
      25 crippled Cruisers
      300 Fighters
      8000 crippled Fighters (no danger)

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      "Have the fleet move in," The sargent ordered.

      A massive human fleet moved through the small gump gate into enamy infested territory.
      "open jump gate .............NOW," the sargent yelled. "jump gate opend" the cadet replied a second later. "get me my dad's ship corporal," the sargent sayed.

      "hello sargent," came the reply from the Admeral, "I would assume that you have followed the plan." "Yes sir," Sgt.Jager replied. "Good I will lanch the dispersment wave now," he replied with an evil look. sargent Jager shared the same look as he watched the blue beam hit the jump gate seperating the two fleets. A few seconds latter to the Gaitori battle fleet's horrow ther came a large explosion from deep within the jump point then it started to flucuate. A large displacement wave started to move towards the Gaitori battle fleet's position. The enamys ships turned around trying to get out of the way but the displacement wave was travling 4X the speed of light and it quickly overtook the Gaitori battle fleet. After is passed through there position. All that was left was a single cruiser badly damaged and the rest was a few particals of space dust. The rest dissapered.

      "Get me my father," the sargent sayed with an evil grin.
      "Here," the admeral sayed over joyed.
      "what the hell did you do to those bastereds?" Sgt.jager sayed. "I used my advance weapons to transport them to a small conaly aproximitly by there engion standerds about 150 years from here." the admerl sayed barly kepping in his lafter. "So your new weapons work i see," the sargent sayed."yes but that was only one of many," his father sayed before his ship opened a jump gate and left for another place in the universe.

      - - - audimated message for admeral Skyblade - from sargent jager of the human fleet - - -
      hello sir we have gotten rid of the Gaitori battle fleet for you. Please continue to the planet for a party.
      - - - End of message. - - -
      Screen goes black then the Uniter Earth Symbolim apears on the screen
      - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      I took that Idea for the weapon from bablon 5 where they destroyed the shado cruiser using a jump gate. And also in the game ares one there is that is you fed an emmince amount of power to a jump point as it opened or even after you could in there move it by hitting it with some thing that wouldn't go through it. I.E. energey. Also E=MC2 comes into play here...

      By the way the isman fleet was defending an attack on the system Pollux with the rebble fleet.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    • Well I gess I'm the only one that is going to add something on monday so ya
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      This is my fleet at the start:
      1 Proto-Type Hevey gate ship/planet killer (code named " The Excalaber)
      5 carriers
      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      30 crusers
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      6 gunships
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      18 heavey destroyers

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      'Take us out at 3/4 full speed," Sgt.Jager sayed confidently ," Bring our fleet to the jump point and bring the weapons and shealding on line. Arm the long range missles."
      "Sir where here," the cadet at Ops sayed. "Open the jump point," Sgt.jager sayed with a grin," and arm all the nucklear war heads and prepare a lanch them into the jump gate.Arm them to hit any ships after they exit the jump gate."
      click, click, click. beep beep. "Done sir," thr young cadet sayed. "Lanch all of the war heads the fleet has," Sgt.Jager sayed with an evil grin. "lanching, sir," she sayied with a smile of utter pleasure. "In 2 mins send in all of out fleet then open another jumpgate seperating the 2 fleets," the sargent sayed with an even eveler grin. It was if the sargent was getting back at the Gaitori order for some miss dead that the had done to him. "Well cadet first time into battle?" Sgt.Jager asked with some intrest."Yes sir, actualy I came in first in dogfights out of the entire accadmy.I'm in the school record books for the best dogfights in there history," she sayed."Well then I'm glad that you will be flying my ship cadet or should I say corporal," the sargent sayed happlie.beep beep "Sir the missles have entered the Gaitori battle fleet and have destroyed 102 crusers including the flag ship. other ships our crippled. computer stats being displaded," she sayed as she pushed the main screen button.
      ----- Computer Statistics -----
      -Gaitori order Battle fleet-(after atack of missles)
      6 Carriers (operational)
      156 crippled carriers (no danger)
      25 Heavy Destroyers
      100 crippled Heavy Destroyers
      125 Cruisers
      25 crippled Cruisers
      300 Fighters
      8000 crippled Fighters (no danger)

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      "Have the fleet move in," The sargent ordered.

      A massive human fleet moved through the small gump gate into enamy infested territory.
      "open jump gate .............NOW," the sargent yelled. "jump gate opend" the cadet replied a second later. "get me my dad's ship corporal," the sargent sayed.

      "hello sargent," came the reply from the Admeral, "I would assume that you have followed the plan." "Yes sir," Sgt.Jager replied. "Good I will lanch the dispersment wave now," he replied with an evil look. sargent Jager shared the same look as he watched the blue beam hit the jump gate seperating the two fleets. A few seconds latter to the Gaitori battle fleet's horrow ther came a large explosion from deep within the jump point then it started to flucuate. A large displacement wave started to move towards the Gaitori battle fleet's position. The enamys ships turned around trying to get out of the way but the displacement wave was travling 4X the speed of light and it quickly overtook the Gaitori battle fleet. After is passed through there position. All that was left was a single cruiser badly damaged and the rest was a few particals of space dust. The rest dissapered.

      "Get me my father," the sargent sayed with an evil grin.
      "Here," the admeral sayed over joyed.
      "what the hell did you do to those bastereds?" Sgt.jager sayed. "I used my advance weapons to transport them to a small conaly aproximitly by there engion standerds about 150 years from here." the admerl sayed barly kepping in his lafter. "So your new weapons work i see," the sargent sayed."yes but that was only one of many," his father sayed before his ship opened a jump gate and left for another place in the universe.

      - - - audimated message for admeral Skyblade - from sargent jager of the human fleet - - -
      hello sir we have gotten rid of the Gaitori battle fleet for you. Please continue to the planet for a party.
      - - - End of message. - - -
      Screen goes black then the Uniter Earth Symbolim apears on the screen
      - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      I took that Idea for the weapon from bablon 5 where they destroyed the shado cruiser using a jump gate. And also in the game ares one there is that is you fed an emmince amount of power to a jump point as it opened or even after you could in there move it by hitting it with some thing that wouldn't go through it. I.E. energey. Also E=MC2 comes into play here...

      By the way the isman fleet was defending an attack on the system Pollux with the rebble fleet.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    • ------Mike and Skyblade on secure comm. channel------
      "Captian Skyblade, we are currently 3 hours from your position, I don't think we can provide adequate assistance in time." Mike said to Skyblade.
      "We need as much assistance as we can get Commander, please make an attempt."
      "Sir, I?ll try but if I don?t make it, we will construct a jumpgate so we can get there sooner next time."
      "Yes, that sounds good."
      "How, are those weapons holding up anyway?"
      "Well, they do use quite a bit of power, but I think they're doing the job quite well. We took out more of them than--<Ship is rumbled by pellet fire>

      "Sorry Commander, I have to go, Skyblade out."

      "Helm, set a coarse for Pollux, maximum warp."
      "Sir should we try the Quantum Slip Stream Drive?? (I know, I took it from Star Trek.)
      "Good idea, Comanson, bring it online but pull us out when our shields begin to weaken."
      "Yes sir."

      A large blue tunnel opens in space and the fleet enters it, throttling them across the galaxy a enormous speeds.

      Hey! Jesus Loves You! 🙂

      (This message has been edited by Mike (edited 10-15-2001).)

    • Flying to the Demeter system via Pollux jumpgate, to search for the one known as Skyblade, who could help him, the U.N.S Protector had been attacked by Gaitori and Cantharan battlecruisers. A whole fleet attacking them, radio down, they could not call for reniforcements from the 05th squadron, yet barely managed to fight the fleet off. Escaping in severley damaged condition, they knew they had to warn Skyblade and his allies of the coming threat. Jager was probably closest, having stayed to defend the systems that were close to him, and he could probably get to Brookeview and Skyblade's fleets and get a message in through Jager. He would have to try.

      (This message has been edited by Danielnma (edited 10-16-2001).)

    • "sir, there in an incoming earth vessel badly damaged. It would apear that the comm dish is down." the corporal at ops sayed." Lanch an engering teem and also prepare my personal fighter for lanch. have the21th fighter squadron provide me an escort. rember this could me a trap. All ships yello alert," Sgt.Jager sayed as he left the brisge

      fleet info:
      5 carriers
      1 cruser (the flagship of fleet named the U.N.S. Hybrid)
      30 crusers
      1 gunship (cpl.Patterson's new ship the vermont)
      6 gunships
      2 advanced fighters (U.N.S. Gattory, U.N.S. Earthaminer)
      30th fighter squadron (35 fighters)
      21th fighter squadron (20 fighters)
      18 heavey destroyers


    • Skyblade glaned at the time menu before speaking.

      "Operation Delta is offically underway as of now. Inform both of our allied commanders that the 23rd Warfleet Division will soon be off for Demeter. They should now be prepared for possible Gaitori counterattack."

      "Yes sir," the comm officer replied as he raced off to complete the orders.

      "Captain," Skyblade said, "Get the fleet ready for the jump to Demeter."

      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
      (url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)