and Timothy Xwarp is have'n a good time not get'n killed
A bright flash blinds everyone. When it begins to decipate, everyone can see a gargantuan explosion fading away outside the bar windows. When it finally disappears, some people notice that a few stars are missing...<<
He got what he deserved.
Suddenly a large section of the floor turns bright red and bursts into flames, right before it collapses away. Joshua hovers out of the hole, and the floor closes behind him.<<
Now its my turn to recreate the universe.------------------
Cleanser, Savior,
Chaos, JOSHUA. -
That's "it's", with an apostrophe. And don't damage my bar, clear?
-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like." -
Joshua frowns and studies Cicion, he clenches his teeth in anger.<<
You are not like them.
What looks like smoke starts to eminate from Joshua.<<
No, not at all. Infact, you remind me of someone else.
The concentration of smoke increases.<<
But who? Aaarggh!! Why cant I remember?!
Suddenly the smoking stops, and Josh smiles.<<
Have you been anywhere lately? Somewhere far away?
Joshua starts laughing through clenched teeth.<<
Someplace very... very UN-local. If you know what I mean?------------------
Cleanser, Savior,
Chaos, JOSHUA. -
/Joshua is interrupted by a mass that crawls through the door. Its a human body. It looks as if a dead body were being dragged across the floor by an invisible hand. As it comes closer one can see what looks like black sand traililing behind and in front of the body. Suddenly, one of these black strands shoots itself into the ceiling, then two, then eight. The strands lift the body off the floor, almost succesfully creating the illusion that the dead human was standing. The black trails hanging from the cieling start to move the bodys mouth and arms, like a puppet, and then some start emitting controled electric shocks into the bodys vocal chords./
Dont look surprised Joshua, you've seen this happen before and you know it.
/The black strands crawl down the bodys face and pull the corners of its mouth up, creatin an unconvincing smile./
I will be leaving soon, the mortals who call themselves Salrillians with to study me in exchange for large quantities of radioactive metal. Then I will be able to rebuild myself and my armies.
/While Micheal is talking, the nanobot strands accidently pull the bodys jaw off, then it falls to the floor. The nanobot strands hanging from the ceiling promptly descend to the jaw, pick it up, and reattach it back to its rightful place/
Bartender, I would like everyone to have a round of your finest wine, on me. This is for the celebration of my rebirth!------------------
-Absence, perfection, MICHEAL -
After the explosion of the bigger thingie Azdara's head lands on the bar.
"A shot of whiskey please Cicon."
Cicon pours whiskey down Azdara's throat and it ends up on the bar.
"Oops. Sorry, i'll just- hold on GRRRRRR!" POP! A new body appears. "Thats better"
Azdara goes to talk to the Audemadon in the corner, they are a lot more friendly than everyone else here...Azdara shoots Xwarp's ship in an easygoing friendly manner.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me- -
where is my titanium sheets and lubricating fluid dont make me blow up the bar with my cannon :mad:
dont mess with a 50 foot mech made out of titanium -
by the way the bar is doing great
(looks at fleet admiral darkk)
hey how are you doing
havent seen you in a while
(i havent been in the universe for a while either)
dont mess with a 50 foot mech made out of titanium -
I'm fine, but busy. Keep your eyes open for Marathon:Invasion, it will ROCK.
Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI -
Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
**I'm fine, but busy. Keep your eyes open for Marathon:Invasion, it will ROCK.**
i can wait either it will rule i love marathon still i dont care if its outdated
i have a confession
i listen to ......... jazz------------------
dont mess with a 50 foot mech made out of titanium -
hey fleet admiral dark do you need a space-compatible 50 foot humanoid-bot with a beam cannon in your fleet
hey barkeep
do you have a recharging station in here?------------------
dont mess with a 50 foot mech made out of titanium -
if ya want to you can pilot me
but dont screw with my AI
if you do i will self-distruct
and will blow up the bar and everything within 1000 miles of it------------------
dont mess with a 50 foot mech made out of titanium -
watches as the bar keep gets in my cockpit
hey that tickles
no dont push that switch
barkeep:which one
tallgeese3: the one that says berserk mode
barkeep:lemme push it
(pushes it)
tallgeese3:losing control ahhh..... (eyes turn green) must destroy everything
starts shooting everyone but admiral darkk
tallgeese3: (strained) pull the e-shutdown lever before i pull my main cannon ou....
tallgeese3: pulls out his cannon
admiral darkk: pulls shutdown handle and resets tallgeesetallgeese3: how did i get here and why is boba fett passed out in front of me?
if i did anything sorry barkeep------------------
dont mess with a 50 foot mech made out of titanium -
(surveys the damage to his person)
(finds none)
Tallgeese3, you should be more careful. You nearly hit the Dr. Pepper keg...------------------
Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI -
hey dude who walked into the bar
sucker: yes
Tallgeese3: go spike fleet admiral darkk's drink
sucker: will he do anything bad if i spike it?
Tallgeese3 no(crosses fingers)
sucker: ok (spikes Darkk's Drink)
Tallgeese3:run for the hills !!!!!
(finish it darkk)------------------
dont mess with a 50 foot mech made out of titanium -
Hmm... tastes like phytrocinine ... glycocite?!?
(Darkk's skin crackles with electricity, and the guy who spiked
his drink is zapped unconcious.)
I really should get some of this stuff. Ishiman Personal Defense Corporation makes some inventive last-ditch tricks, don't you think?Wait, I've got some.
(takes out some capsules)
You carry them under your tounge, like so. (puts them in his mouth)
Then, when somebody attacks you, you flip it up, and bite down!
(Darkk touches the sucker, who suddenly spasms for 45 seconds, then lies still.)These things are a riot a parties. Especially boarding parties...
Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI