A sudden hush flows over the crowd as a man walks into the bar. He sits next to Avatara and orders some water.
"Riven! He's back! Yahoo!!"
The crowd goes WILD!!
Suddenly reality slaps itself in Riven's imagination as he enters the bar. Everyone is supping at their beverages as usual. No one seems to notice that he's back until a small boy runs up to him carrying a pad reading
"I'm locked up in the basement. Help!
- Droid -"
Riven shakes his head and tosses the pad on the counter. "Juice please."
Avatara turns around at the familiar voice and looks up to see a now short cut bearded man. "Riven. Were have you been?"
"Oh, you know. Taking care of this station, arresting that man. Nothing terribly exciting."
Cicion expertly fills the glass with refined grape juice and swiftly slides it to Riven who folds his arms on the counter and begins to stare at the almost perfectly clear glass of juice in front of him.
"Well, I'll make it easy on you..." Avatara begins as he picks up the small glass of juice and dowses it "... you can begin paying off the other 800 credits you owe me by playing another combat game. Come on, I'll play red team this time..."