** A large ship obscures the sun and pulls alongside the bar.
** Darkk climbs through a portal that appears in the bar.
Cicion, get me a "Deth Staar".
Oh, and add extra Sallian brandy.
I don't normalkly drink, but having your race subjugated is a nice time to start.
Don't bother telling me "I'm sorry" or anything, I think the collaborators got what they deserved.
**Cicion notices Darkk is wearing a strange necklace
Don't bother with that, you'll learn more of it later **smirk
Us having crime syndacates is news to me. They must have had pre-first-ring Sal help in hiding their thoughts...
I'm planning on appling for Vice-Taeskor-or-whatever-the-heck-they-call-it in charge of the Nijayas Protectorate. Any advice?
**begins to down the "Deth Staar"
Man, It's a good thing I parcticed maintaing control of my powers durning drunkennes in the other universe.
*becomes somewhat drunk
They have great stuff there, you know. The Phylidia is a nice ship, but they have ones that can match it. I fly one now. It even came with its own AI, and with my powers to repel any borders I have no need for a crew. Of course it's only one ship, but it's pretty nice for a ship.
I think the Phylidia has better decor, tho. No taste at all in the other universe. Had to have my ship painted black on special order. All the others are yellow, red, or pastel. No sense in their color schemes, but what physicists!! They no more loopholes in the laws of physics than lawyers know in the tax code! And their laws of physics are just like ours. Oh, and my ship is also a gateship for those of you who want to know.
I'm rambling aren't I?
Hic! This is a nice brew. Another please?
Cicion: No way, you're at your limit!!
Ok, I feel better now. We metabolize alchahol fast.
Now some Dr. Pepper, please.
Luckily my pre-leaving account at the Bazidanese National Bank is fine. Put it on my card.
(I'm sorry for the long post, but I do have to come back. )
Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)