Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Celebrates at Aithon's words and buys everyone a drink 🙂
      Buys nothing but pangalactic garrgleblasters

      To AITHON!

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

    • Shut up, Slug.

      " Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
      -Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.

    • I don't recommend you telling Slug to shut up; as there are hundreds of (drunk) Salrillian securiy guards in here.

    • As much as I'd like to stay and take in the scenery (miles upon miles of drunken Salrilians on the ground), I'm afraid I have a battle to finish winning (at the Ring attack transponder frequency). 🙂
      I'm going to need supplies for the 3 hour trip.
      I would like to buy seven-and-a-half million tons of pangalactic gargleblasters for the trip.
      How many Flanian-Pobblebeeds will that cost? 🙂

      That number is probably so big, you'd have to send it to NASA to calculate it.

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

    • sobbing
      How could I?
      I am an inhuman beast. Trillions....habitat....all dead
      I look out of the window, and I see pale, dead faces. Horribly mutilated at my hands. all dead. Just floating there. Brave, noble faces. Some happy, some sad. But what difference does it make now that they're all dead?
      I killed them, and here I am now, having fun....
      takes a drink from his mug and cries
      Why did I destroy the ring? Why did I commit genocide?

      pulls out a shredder pistol and presses the barrel against his head
      sob :frown:

      "Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike!
      Beat them down! Down with the Capulets; down with the Montagues!"
      -Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
      Act I, scene I

    • You think you 've got problems, you selfish git?
      I have just witnessed the horrible, agonizing deaths of hundreds of billions of my people.
      Stop feeling sorry for yourself, you basterd.

      pulls out an electron ram and blows Ambrose into atoms

      This is a hostage situation. As of right now, you are all under arrest for Unwilling Genocide by the Imperial Salrilian Government.

      A large Salrilian fleet jumps in, annihilating the system jump gate in the process

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

    • <Slug's electron ram disolves. The sal fleet outside is pulled through a vortex.>
      Miss me? And the singularity?
      <Slug is tied in a ball.>
      Oh, Slug - no killing here. You can pick up your fleet in Salril where I warped it.
      Sorry I couldn't help with the Sal fleet. There were just as many of them out at the diversion, but we got the drop on them. Slug - you would have done the same in our place - be quiet.
      Cicion still here? Feels like it...

      Commander-in-Chief of the Nijayias Interstellar Navy.

    • Wonders at how alive-looking the supposedly dead Cicion is.

      Bartender, that one was a little on the weak side. Try adding more ice.

      Notes that Ambrose hasn't quite kicked the bucket yet.

      Well, this place sure gets a very interesting.

      Realises that he's meant to be dead too.

      Oh bugger. Bye bye everyone.

      Dissapears off somewhere.

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only

    • Slug, normally this is where I tell you to shut up. But appearantly I need to explain a few things first:

      1. The Ring was just starting to be settled. There were maybe 100 million inhabitants, most of which were engineers and military units.

      2. If you insist to keep up this meaningless character debate, just bare in mind that I was the second most powerful fleet admiral the Sals had. Telling you to shut up will prompt all those drunken Sals would more than likely agree with me, and shut you up themselves.

      " Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
      -Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.

    • Yeah. The second most powerfull admiral. 😄
      looks at Ambrose, who is strangely alive, but with singed eyebrows
      mumbling to himself Damn budget cuts........

      secretes an acidic compound out of his skin
      the ropes burn off Well, with my fleet gone, I guess my guards and I are stranded here.
      Another round of Pangalactic gargleblasters. Without salt this time please.

      kicks a security guard laying on the ground and it resumes breathing
      My security guards are beginning to sober up here.

      slurrrrrrrp Ahhhhhh....
      A TOAST TO, ERRRR, never mind......

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

      (This message has been edited by Slug (edited 03-25-2000).)

    • Would anyone here care to play d'Abo wheel with me?

      looks around the bar and sees a bunch of people picking their asses

      sigh Another PG for me please....

      -Ensign Slug

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

    • Wow. Commander, your bar is REALLY popular!

      Think Different.

      -Admiral Dennis

    • Give me some kind of fruit drink but don't tell any of the other demons i like fruit.

      You will shudder at my name.....
      The Cacodemon

    • Had enough of this Barkeep Blabber?
      For an intelligent conversation, go to (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000045.html(/url) .

      Remember : if your IQ is more than 120, then PLEASE click on the link.

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

      (This message has been edited by Slug (edited 03-28-2000).)

    • I'll have 5 3 litre Dr Peppers. Nice job on the ring Sarg. Sorry to be away so long. The Oracular net is a little destabalized (read: delusional), as most of its core porcesses were on the ring. That's why Slug has bad info. It also thinks this is my fault and tried to kill me! Fortunantly we escaped. I hope the ON stabalizes soon, it's acting like a very stupid tyrant with delusions of grandure - attacking everything at once with no plans.
      BTW Who's tending bar anyway?

      Commander-in-Chief of the Nijayias Interstellar Navy.

    • A Salrilian Transport warps into the system
      Ah! My ride home has arrived.
      Slug and the hundreds of Salrilians beam into outer space, where they enter the transport from the outside.

      A few minutes later, Cicion yells out: HEY!! THE BUG DIDN'T PAY HIS TAB!!

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

    • walks out of the bathroom
      There are a lot of wierd shaped toilets in there!
      Any Bathrooms suitable for banananians?
      No? Oh well; I'll just crap outta window. Seeya!

    • Cicion walks out of back room into bar, and tosses a few drinks to a few people(not including slug). Starts washing glasses. That was an interesting battle. Reports from Jaltir IV, the Phylydion Navy H.Q., say that they will be sending ships and troops. The Phylydion Primary Armada should be at full strength again in a matter of days or weeks.

      Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

      "Never tell me the odds!"
      -Han Solo

    • What do you mean, "Supposedly dead?" SLug was the only one who said I was dead, and he also said that his small force blew up all of us! I was not, officially, ever dead.

      Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

      "Never tell me the odds!"
      -Han Solo

    • Pangalactic Gargleblasters, huh?
      I think I'll try one......
      sluuuupppp :eek:
      Wow! Drinking one of these is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick.....
      wowowowowww drunk
      dose sararalians shuuh ahh guud a' alkahall hic
      Passes out on the floor, which is still covered in Salrilian slime
      everyone starts planning to lynch Slug for bringing the Gargleblasters to the bar in the first place

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