Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
      **Ok, 8pm Monday?

      I'll be in the middle of work. How's about 10pm EST tonight?

    • Sure.
      I have a few things I'd like cleared up on what I can do.
      What room? Bar and Grill would be my preference.
      Oh, BTW, 2 people are using your nick on GR. Or do you have 2 accounts?

      Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
      Them: Ooops
      Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
      (immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
      **Oh, BTW, 2 people are using your nick on GR. Or do you have 2 accounts?

      He has two accounts. Sorry for barging in but I didn't know if he would be able to post before then...I believe he will be on the newer one (the one that has a last login dated today, number 16705) but I'm not sure...


    • Nijayias Ships/Weapons

      Fluctuation Cannon: This is one of the most powerful light weapons available. It uses quantum fluctations to increase the entropy of the target. In plain English, it makes the target fall apart. Its instant hit but it's no superweapon. It makes the Nijayias Riaxx Gunship the equal of its Phylydian couterpart the Kiojea.

      Tacyon Turret: These are the fighter defense weapons on the Riaxx Gunships, slightly more powerful than laser turrets, with slightly better range and speed than LRPKs. The coming HVC (still on the drawing board but being hurried off it) will have front-firing cannons with slightly greater rate of fire.

      Riaxx Gunship: Currently our most powerful production ship, these have 4000 shields, slightly more than a Salrilian Gunship, tacyon turrets, and 2 fluctuation cannons.

      HardRad Cluster Launchers: These fire chunks of material which emit hard radiation (hence the name) at very high speeds. This causes parts of them to fuse on contact with the shields, and the fusion of the heavy elements causes a good deal of damage, but not quite as much as a fluctuation cannon hit.

      Hieqk (pronounced "hi-ekk") HVC: For the moment only on the drawing board, these have 1750 shields, tacyon cannons, missles (secret for now), and hardrad cluster launchers.

      Lerekk Frigate: Like the HVC, these are still on the drawing board. They have 3000 shields, aren't very fast, and are armed with tacyon turrets and 30 missles (the capabilies of which are to be revieled later).

      The Hieqks and Lerekks will be rushed off the drawing boards to fight the new pirate fleet, but will probably work OK for the most part.

      StormBreaker : This is our only functional gateship. He (it's run by a sentient AI with male personality programing/self identity) is armed with plasma turrets and a focusing array, a device which generates various virtual particles, collects background radiation, and uses e=mc^2 converters to generate various weapon effects. It's not as efficient as the real weapons and has a much longer recharge cycle, but can go on practically forever with StormBreaker 's large energy supply unless seriously damaged (like after Darvonsol's 1.2k nuke attack).

      Error: target is violating the laws of physics
      Error: target is locally exceeding c
      Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
      Error: target cannot be hit

      (This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 11-22-2000).)

      (This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 11-22-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Sargatanus:
      Nijayias- Since it is very unlikely that Darkk will be coming back, The Nijayias are at the disposal of our imagination. This is what I have envisioned:

      Well, just a month afterwards we proved you wrong....

      Darkk did the impossible, he came back! 🙂


    • One thing I've been wondering: What exactly do Philydion and Nijiayas ships look like? Explanations, anyone?

      "You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
      - Al Capone

    • All I've heard from Cicion is they're rectangular, grey, flat, fast, have lots of guns, and are practically invincible. I would make a mesh for them, but Sargatanus told me Sundered beat me to it.

      Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
      -Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer

    • Nijayias ships are black and sleek, not lumpy like many Sal ships. I'd make graphics for them but my POV-Ray skilz aren't, uh, extant! They're also equally wide and tall (not counting the wings they usually have, which would make them wider than they are tall), but are longer than they are wide or tall (see sleek).

      The Riaxx Gunships have visable guns (the fluctuation cannons) and the frigates have visable missle tubes.

      Error: target is violating the laws of physics
      Error: target is locally exceeding c
      Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
      Error: target cannot be hit

    • Ok. It'd definately help to see an image of one, but I get the point. Now for the Philydion ones.

      "You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
      - Al Capone

    • No, I said they were slower and less maneuverable than standard Ares ships, and have more shielding and turrets to make up for it. They are grey and blue, and basic shape(VERY basic, there are many variations) is a rectangle with short wings near the stern. The bridge is always in the nose. The Kiojea class is a prime example of basic shape. Some time, I'll get a picture of one.

      -Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
      "Never tell me the odds!"
      -Han Solo
      "Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Slug:
      **All I've heard from Cicion is they're rectangular, grey, flat, fast, have lots of guns, and are practically invincible. I would make a mesh for them, but Sargatanus told me Sundered beat me to it.


      Actually, Sundered Angel is yet to work on those particular ships. The only ones I'm mapping out are the "unique" ships, and Angel-design Salrilian vessels. If you want a crack at those two races, feel free.

      Oh, and Darkk- might I suggest using Strata 3D for ship design rather than POV-Ray? The graphical interface is a must when attempting to lay out a ship.
      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

      (This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 11-20-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
      Oh, and Darkk- might I suggest using Strata 3D for ship design rather than POV-Ray? The graphical interface is a must when attempting to lay out a ship.

      I'll check it out. As for a graphical interface, that's what "graph paper" is for. I like having explicit mathematical control.

      Error: target is violating the laws of physics
      Error: target is locally exceeding c
      Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
      Error: target cannot be hit

    • The SV Andalusa

      This is Captain Pharris' new ship. Initially, it was a Riaxx Class Gunship, however, it has been improved greatly. On the outside, it looks much like the Riaxx, except that there are additional turrets. There are large swivel mounted guns on the top, bottom and sides. The Side mounted ones are just ahead of the wings, and can swivel anywhere from straight ahead to 30 degrees off of straight aft, as they are limited by the wings. The top and bottom swivel mounts are set back a bit from the side guns, and seem a bit out of place, as they were added by Pharris's Engineering team, and clash with the sleek Nijayais design. The top turrets each contain a large Railgun, which fires depleted uranium/titanium slugs at near the speed of light, as well as 2 fluxuation cannons. The side mounts still contain the original HardRad launchers, As well as a vamped Tachyon Beam. The forward guns are still the full sized fluxuation cannons.

      Also, the crew driven Tachyon turrets have been replaced with a dozen or so radar guided fighter/missile defence guns. These are small, but they have an extremely rapid rate of fire, and can fill the space around the Andalusa with low power photokinetic beams. These are connected to the ships ECM system, and can automatically track and engage hundreds of incoming targets with little or no Human control. These are capable of stopping less advanced missiles easily, but they are much less effective against high speed missiles, and are not quite powerful enough to disable fighters on their own.

      There are also three long range, forward firing Torpedo tubes. The ship holds a total of six torpedoes. These are extremely long ranged. capable of superlight, have a vary large payload and are very complex, they can carry everything from probes, to EMF warheads, to nukes, to high yeild conventional weapons. These are very expensive, so they are rarely used, but they are quite useful for putting in a little extra punch when engageing large capitol warships.

      There are also missile racks, these carry short range missiles(not big ones like on the HVDs), but because of space constraints, they do not fire dead ahead, they fire outward from the ship, (on the top, and bottom) The missiles are launched by a small charge of air from the ship, sending them out at high speed. They fly out for around two hundred feet(less than a second) by which time their guidance system orients them and fires their engines. These, once again are linked to the ships sensor/targeting systems, and are "fire and forget weapons" allowing the ship to drop them out, without having to slow down to aim.

      To provide power for these systems, the Andalosa has the four original antimatter reactors, as well as two new Fusion reactors, these provide the extra power for the additional energy weapons, as well as the FTL and Hyperspace drives.

      Pharris preferrs the Hyperspace system to the traditional Nijayais system of Jumplinks, not so much because of any advantage, simply because it is what he has always used in the past.

      The four main engines have been replaced with five new drives, capable of a slightly higher maximum speed(surprising considering the increased mass of the ship) as well as an improved set of reaction control thrusters. The RCT system is incredibly overpowered, but many of the thrusters have double or triple redundancy, to maintain manouverability even after battle damage.

      The ship now has a more centralised computer control system. There are very few specialised consoles in the ship, Only helm, tactical and the gun stations have truly specialised terminals, but only because they have specialised input devices(joysticks, etc) Most of the other terminals are relatively standard, and the crew can acess almost any ship function from any station. Everything is run through a standard GUI(which looks surprisingly like Mac OS X), and the terminals can be customised to do almost any task needed. This means that the ships controls are not limited to the bridge, but that the ship can even be "dialed up" and controlled remotely, assuming somebody can get the codes out of Pharris.

      Of course, the ship has been modified to proviide a stable platform for EVAT operations. It has airlocks all over, but most importantly, it has an extendable docking collar, that can extend seventy feet below the ship. It is a hollow transparent tube with a flexible pressure collar at the end that allows the Andalosa to connect to even slanted or curved surfaces, and deploy EVATs.

      I know you may think that I made the Andalosa a super ship, and I do admit that it does have a lot of guns that are meant for mostly bigger ships, but I'd like to say that most military ships are not expanded to their full capability, as numbers are often more important than individual power, when operating as a fleet. Also, I'm useing a lot of cutting edge equipment, a lot of which is stolen or purchased off of the black market. I also had a lot of money hidden away, though I spent most of it on this ship, which takes away a lot of my freedom as a character, as now I can't rely on a stashed fortune to pay for fuel and wages during bad spells.

      -Captain Pharris


    • Nijayias HyperMissle: These are used on the new frigates and cruisers, and are possibly the most dangerous mass-produced projectile weapon around. They look like long, silvery tubes with blue-glowing slots in the rear. When launched, they use their superlight engines to accelerate to high speeds and do damage by transfering their pseaudo-inertia into the ship (for small ships, like a person being shot with a robar; for large ships, like one battleship putting shell holes in another). Alternatively, they can transform that directly into energy, and exploding. The second mode is useful for stuff that is weak but there's a lot of.

      Nijayias Swarmers: An attempt to build an automated defense system, these consist of 2 components: the swarmer builders and the swarmers themselves. The swarmer builders are bulk freighters (same size as a carrier) and mine asteroids, processing the ore into swarmer subasembalies, which are snapped together quickly in combat.
      The swarmers themselves are very fast and have a LRPK cannon, but posses limited computational abilities individually (together they form an integrated AI, still well below that of Audemedon systems) and have no shields (if this does become a plug, technically 1 unit due to them having SOME mass).

      BTW, hardrad clusters look like really tiny green asteroids. Hmmm...

      Error: target is violating the laws of physics
      Error: target is locally exceeding c
      Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
      Error: target cannot be hit

    • Voltron: One of the six automated-operations AIs on the StarLance. Primary functions (non-classified): Military maneuvers, Extra Terrestrial extermination, Alien Computer Hcking.

      It is rumored that when Audemedon Core Unit 6742 was hacked, a nineteen-terabyte transmission was logged in the Audemedon Collective, shortly before the transmission logs were deleted. Over the next several years, The Audemedons began the initial stages of self-awareness......

      Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
      -Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer

    • ok, just a simple and sort of stupid question...what are the capacities of a gateship? to me, the name implies that it can warp in ships from another section of space (like the starcraft arbeiters) and is a very large vessel. but here, it seems like its use is mainly a big battleship...please clarify this for most people here know, i am relatively new to the ares universe...

      ...and is there any chance that...ahem...magic could be trasported into this universe due to the starlance thingy? naw, forget it...just be funny seeing some guy floating through space without a pressure suit without any hand weapons taking out a fleet of ships with just a wave of his hand and intoning a spell that everyone can hear even though sound cant travel through space...but that would be impossible, wont it?

      "Those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad! bwahahahaha (maniacal laughter)" Xanthos from Baldur's Gate

    • Ok. First the gateships: Nijayias gateships ARE battleships. They do bring in ships, but they also serve as mountings for a variety of heavy weapons. Ishiman and Cantharan gateships mostly just bring in reinforcements. I wouldn't know about Salrilian gateships or Audemedon gateships (although I would assume them to be heavilly armed).

      As for magic, 2 words: Verasi Artifacts. Probably not "floating in space casting spells", but none the less dangerous. In addition, the Nijayias, the Phylydions, the Duploi, and Sundered Angel have psychic powers. This will be important.

      Error: target is violating the laws of physics
      Error: target is locally exceeding c
      Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
      Error: target cannot be hit

    • Capsule Missile: A simple projectile weapon, the capsule missle is a very long, thin oval with a dull chrome color. An unguided, extremely fast missile, it works by a simple high-powered ion thruster with a range of a few hundred klicks. Of course, it was not designed with ranges anywhere near that long in mind. When the missile strikes a target, the sudden halt of its incredible speed causes great internal stress. Capsule missiles are filled with an extremely high explosive chemical known as CVE-14. Similar to nitro-glycerin but far more powerful and requiring a much larger jolt to set off, this substance explodes with tremendous fury when the missile hits its mark. Capsule missles are standard armament for fightercraft and most capital ships have either capsule missile launchers or capsule missile turrets.

    • Darkk's Personal race, the Nijayias, use gateships as big war machines.
      Otherwise gateships are not big battleships. Everyone assumes that every faction uses Gateships, which we don't know to be true. Stop assuming!

      The Audemedons, Salrilians, and Elejeetians probably don't have/need them. Gateships are what primitive races use to transport their fleets. They're all warp-assemblies, and only a few guns so it isn't totally defensless

      Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
      -Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer

    • Well, Sargatanus apparently makes them. Check for Pharris's raid in The Buildup.

      Oh, and StormBreaker is a special case. He was origionally a giant battleship, then had a jump system added. 2 of our normal gateships survived the war, but are currently nonfunctional.

      An earlier one is being used as Carm's personal flagship. It's armed with long-range ion turrets (pale blue-white kinetic beam shots), plasma dispersers (purple zig-zag beams), and electron packets (look like and guided like atompulses, but larger). His destroyers use heavy electron busters, ion blasters, and PK turrets. His gunships use PK turrets and ion blasters. The cruisers he got use PK cannons and proton packet launchers (sort of like electron packets, but smaller, the opposite color, less damaging, and unguided).

      All the ships in Carm's fleet have about 2/3 the shields of equivilant Ishiman vessles.

      (This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 11-22-2000).)