8 Lightnings
A strange and mysterious man, 8 appeared in this universe through a Quasispace portal generated during a Salrillian weapons test. His craft show up as 'unknown types' on most scanners, as they do not come from this universe. Also, their hyperspace drives work much differently, making them more difficult to trace.
He is a cyborg, with modifications to make him faster and more 'durable'. In his right arm is a pair of weapons: the Lightning Cannon, and a small pulse cannon. In his left arm is a Thunderbolt Cannon. His eyes are modified to allow him to zoom in and out, and he can also use multiple scanners to gain a subatomic view of an object. He is able to link directly to his fighter by means of a small connector in his left arm.
8 LightningForce
A small fleet commanded by 8 Lightnings. The fleet, to begin with, consisted of eight Lightnings, five Obish Escorts and one Elejeetian cruiser. They have a base established on the planet Tetrik V. Further description of this follows. A new ship was soon collected, known as Endurance. This will be described further also.
During the StarLance battle, four of the Escorts were destroyed, and most of the fleet was disabled. The ships that were still flyable after the battle were: Endurance, Surge III (the Obish Escort), and Eagle (the Elejeetian cruiser). 8 Lightnings was able to get one Lightning repaired. These ships made a strike on a Salrillian carrier, capturing it. A second Lightning is now under repair, and three Archangel fighters have been added to the fleet.
8 LightningForce Base, Tetrik V
Tetrik V has a large number of ancient ruins of an unidentified race. These have yet to be investigated. The 8 LightningForce base is built near these ruins, and has landing fields, hangar bays, living areas and a large command centre. The base appears quite like a small city with an abnormally large airport.
8 Lightnings found the Endurance while flying a Salrillian fighter and being chased by a squadron of Cantharan cruisers. He docked with a station and heard the Cantharans boarding. His fighter was destroyed. He checked the records and found that one other ship was at the station. He found it and escaped in it. It took quite a pounding for a fighter in the process, so after the escape the fighter was named Endurance. The controls are very alien, so only through a direct computer uplink is 8 able to fly the ship. It is armed with some form of beam weapon like Lepton, and a cannon similar to an Onas Pulse gun. It also has stealth fields.
8 LightningForce have been able to translate some of the computer information, finding that the ship's class is called Khada , and have noticed that the language is the same as that inscribed on the Tetrik V ruins. 8 Lightnings hopes to both return to the station where he found the fighter and explore the ruins someday.
A CDX StarWorx fighter with a class 7 Ion Drive. Nothing like it has ever been seen in the Ares universe. It is like a military vessel, but can be used for long periods of time with it's huge energy reserves. The 8 Lightnings in 8 LightningForce have been modified with stealth fields, and during their repairs, may be modified further as necessity dictates.
8 Lightnings
Fleet: Lightning I, Eagle, Surge, Endurance, Alecto, Magaera, Tisiphone, Voltare
"CRUISER DESTROYED. 91 remaining" -Ares, chapter 9, Hand Over Fist
(This message has been edited by 8 Lightnings (edited 12-05-2000).)