Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • (Information classified -- sorry Darkk)

      (This message has been edited by Slug (edited 10-31-2000).)

    • The Victorious jumps into the system, and is what looks to be like a heavily modified human cruiser. UNS insignia. Spamo hails the vessel.

      "Cruiser Victorious. Nice of you to show up. I'm glad that the UNS finally got its balls together to send ONE cruiser. I commend their generosity."

      "What? I'm..." but Spamo cut him off. "I really don't have the time right now to talk. Find the 3rd division Commander. He'll find a place for you. Field Admiral Spann out."

      Spamo turned away from the monitor in disgust. Figures. The UNS commited token force to keep us happy in case we win, and to keep the Starlance from being too angry in case we lose. Damned bureaucrats.

      Pharris walked into Spamo's office just then.
      "Spamo, how's that rank goin'? Liking that feeling of absolute power?"

      "It's got its moments. But then again, I need staff to help run this monstrosity don't I?"

      "Well, I'd like to, but I've got a small fleet of my own to manage..."

      "No problem. I've got more than enough personnel to captain that fleet. Besides, I only need you to take care of things once the battle's started. I want you to command the Mariposa and the Barbarossa as command ships to direct the assault. Myself, I've got a more delicate mission that will require more attention."

      "What mission is that?" inquired Pharris.

      "I'm going to breach the hull of the Starlance, and once we've gotten inside, I'll release a biological agent that will cause enough of a distraction to seriously hamper ship operations within an hour, and totally destroy the crew in 48 hours."

      "Spamo that's crazy. There's no way that you'll get close enough."

      "Not true. I've borrowed some cloaking suits from our Salrillan friends and outfitted an elite squad of EVATs with them. When the Gateship outfittd with the disruptor cannon brings the shields down, we'll attack the hull and make our entrance. I drop off the agent, and leave the work up to them."

      "Just what is this 'agent' you have?"

      "Come down to the science lab, and I'll show you."

      In the science lab, Spamo brought forth his masterpiece of quick genetic engineering and fortuitous luck in finding the original specimen. It writhed in it's jar, sensing that sustenance and breeding stock was nearby in the form of two humanoids.

      "I found her on a remote planet that I used for a stopover while I was collecting ships. A derelict spacecraft was in orbit, and there were these maggot things crawling all over it. This one here's a queen. She'll infect one of the crew, and from her, a spawn will devour and take over the entire ship."

      Pharris stared at the writhing thing with horror.

      Ne Cede Malis Sed Contra Audientor Ito

    • A small, stealthy, red fighter jumps into the system. It quickly engages its superlight drive and drops in near the command ships.
      Commander 8 Lightnings engages his communicator.
      "This is Commander 8 Lightnings to the StarLance Attack HQ. My fleet, however small, is on it's way. I apologize for my lack of useful capital ships. My fleet consists of 8 fully-armed Lightnings, with some weapons you may find interesting, as well as five Obish Escorts, one armed Elejeetian Cruiser, and the fighter I am flying. I also have some information on my ships' weapons that I think you will find VERY interesting, regarding the Baleric Armour Plating on the StarLance..."
      The fighter hovers over the gateship and waits for a response.


      *** Lightning never strikes the same place twice. But on occasions...eight times... ***

    • In the distance, a tiny white speck appeared, contrasting the colorul nebula clouds. As it drew nearer, the white speck was accompanied by many more smaller white specks. Slug stood on the bridge and his face darkened. This was it.

      "(url="http://"")On screen(/url)." He said. He looked. Yes -- this was it. He pressed the intercomm button. "Admiral Slug to Armada and the StarLance attack force. Here it comes."

      (url="http://"")(The battle begins here)(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Slug (edited 11-02-2000).)