Note: Nobody else is supposed to have knowledge of exactly what I'm up to.
Darkk reboarded the StormBreaker.
He had no need to give orders. There was no crew, just an AI, same name as the ship. It didn't need orders either, being joined to Darkk's mind through the necklace. Darkk didn't even need to think orders. StormBreaker did what he wanted, just as you don't need to think to move your arms. They really were more 1 mind than 2, although they were seperate enough to talk to each other.
(StormBreaker's dialogue is preceded by a >)
I see the data is good.
Yes, very. A bulk freighter leaves without any warning, permission, or crew and opens a random jumpstream.
Exactly what you expected.
Darkk removed 5 of the gold bars from his uniform. Fleet Admiral, Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, Coomodore, leaving enough for Captain. Afterall, one cannot be Fleet Admiral with no fleet.
Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)
(This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 10-09-2000).)