"<<< Slug has joined >>>
<<< 2000.08.29 20:24:36 >>>
Cotton Mouse: whats going on
Cotton Mouse: slug?
Slug: What's with all that 'Lag's Stuff' ?
E|/|i||e|/: oh
Slug: huh?
Jimmy Page: heh i thought i'd never say this but.. i think ares is boring now
E|/|i||e|/: thats his stuff hes here alot
Cotton Mouse: were you trying to be a moderator?
Slug: I just got disconnected. That's all
E|/|i||e|/: oh
E|/|i||e|/: nice try
Cotton Mouse: or were you just trying to tell him he was doing some good things
Slug: uh
Cotton Mouse: oh dear...
Slug: I mentioned the topic (the one about the potential moderators) and he chose me. what more is there to explain?
<<< Jimmy Page has left >>>
<<< 2000.08.29 20:28:09 >>>
Cotton Mouse: how I try to be a moderator for like 1.5 years and everyone else doesn't even try, and gets that little title handed to them on a silver platter. Thats why
Slug: Jeez, Mouse, do you want me to quit being a moderator or something?
Cotton Mouse: no, I just...
Slug: fine. bye
<<< Slug has left >>>
<<< 2000.08.29 20:28:30 >>>
Cotton Mouse: wish I...
E|/|i||e|/: what the uck
Cotton Mouse: ****ing ****!
<<< Cotton Mouse has left >>>"
Slug, if you were thinking of quitting, don't! I don't care, I'm sorry!
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Era, an huge plugin for EV: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/rhysmctharin/erahome.html")www.geocities.com/rhysmctharin/erahome.html(/url)
(This message has been edited by Cotton Mouse (edited 08-29-2000).)