Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Tournament Ressurection

      I'm sure that most of the older players remember the weekly tournaments that Vegeta from the Axis used to organize. Well, most of the newer players haven't had the pleasure of participating in these and, if they are like me, getting their ass kicked every game.

      Anyways, I was thinking of trying to bring these back and restart the weekly tradition. This is just a preliminary thing to see if anyone's actually interested, even remotely, in perhaps showing up on GR on fridays and playing in an ares tournament.

      Note this is not a specific registration form, I just want to see if there's any interest here.

    • That's a pretty good idea, though I'm an ARES freak, so I'm on GR daily.

      -Ensign Slug

      In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
      In denying it, one finds hope.

      -Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

    • The way this used to work was, everyone interested would post saying "Yes, count me in" or whatever. Vegeta then drew names out of a hat, so he claims, and randomly selected who would play who. The players played their games, eaching picking map and species once, with Ishimans on Rock as a tiebreaker. Everyone who won their first 3 games against their first opponent went on. I never made it past there, but I think that after that it was everyone picks 2 maps, species, best of 5. Then whoevers left at the end of it all wins.

      One afternoon,
      4000 men
      died in the water here.
      And 500 more were thrashing,
      As parasites might,
      in your blood.
      -The Tragically Hip, "Nautical Disaster".

    • Damn, is there really so little interest in this? I'd really like to revive this. I'm open to any ideas, I'll even organise the things myself, as long as people are remotely interested in competing on a weekly basis. You don't have to come to each tournament, they'd be self contained... oh well, maybe I should just give up.

      Do you go to the country?
      It isn't very far.
      There's people there who will hurt you
      because of who you are.

      -Coffee and TV

    • the tournys were good (whatever happened to them?) the problem with them was i never could come on friday that's like the prime time for doing cool stuff or whatever. especially since my band performs on fridays.. if you change the tourny to like sunday or somethin it'd be awesome. Or you could just join my ares clan TAG and have a tourny anytime you want with other TAG members..... 🆒

      ramble on..

    • Correction : I was on GR every day. :frown:

      Sorry about your starship, Captain ga'Krüg, but as we say on Earth :
      'C'est la vie'!

      -Admiral Williams,
      Shortly after the defeat of the 3rd Gaitori fleet.

    • Well, it looks like no one's interested in tournaments, and I'll NEVER join a clan, at least not one for Ares (for more on why, look for that "Vegeta's back..." for good thing, pretty much sums up my views on ares clans.) I guess I'll have to content myself with an occaisional game with the random ares players on Gr.

      Do you go to the country?
      It isn't very far.
      There's people there who will hurt you
      because of who you are.

      -Coffee and TV