Well, Checking the board at school @ 7:20, I got a little surprise. See if you are as perceptave as me and try to find out what ;).
Well, Checking the board at school @ 7:20, I got a little surprise. See if you are as perceptave as me and try to find out what ;).
And, btw, all of you will have to re-register.
Needless to say, this is most disheartening. But in the bright side, I got to change my user name!
What was it?
NOOOOO! The beutifil content! Gone! All of it! Oh well, if the leader of Ambrosia says it's for the better, I believe him. I just hope that they devide this up again, into idle banter and such, that was so well done. PLEASE REDIVIDE!
Anyways, I hope they at least keep the cool LOOK of the old ares website, steel background and such.
Pull me out of the air crash
Pull me out of the lake.
Testing, testing, one two three...
one two three check
one two three check
Sorry folks, I also wanted to see if I correctly salvaged my signature.
This post has been edited by Aithon : 04 January 2007 - 06:18 PM
"Indiana, Dad, please."
"Indiana?! We named the DOG Indiana!"
"You were named after the dog?"
"That dog was very special to me..."
Indian Jones
The Last Crusade
Admiral Cicion is going to be pissed. He had several thousand posts on his profile. HOW DO YOU LIKE IT NOW, EH? A JUNIOR MEMEBER, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!
See my reply in the post "Drop all complantes here"
May Macs eternally crush PCs!
-Admiral Dennis
...and to think, the Admiral is a JUNIOR MEMBER! ICK! just about to reach the 100 post mark too...
May Macs eternally crush PCs!
-Admiral Dennis
(This message has been edited by Admiral Dennis (edited 01-12-2000).)
Yes, it sucks that we all have to start all over again now as junior members, but we can also get kind of a fresh start with a new user persona. I personally would like to abandon my previous profile which had aquired such a bad reputation so fast. I am also going to openly condemn anyone who demands to know who anyone else was if they changed they're user. Sorry if I seem irrational, but I happen to like annonimity.
"They're everywhere!"- hapless victim #203948
Rebel? Darkk didn't have a bad reputation.
May Macs eternally crush PCs!
-Admiral Dennis
did i miss something? I just registered here, and i'm new to the whole concept. Did something important get erased or something? Mass confusion!
No kidding. I just got about 150 posts before the board died. It's just not fair. I fcommander Cicion actually got ~1000, I'm afraid he'd have to be kick for... well, having that many posts.
Just thinking now that I've already re-registered, mayber I should've come back as 16 Lightnings or something.
I mean, Dennis got his promotion...
This is getting to be the equivalent of idle banter, and I can post pointless messages like this, can't I?
*** 8 Lightnings - Point at Confed Frigate and hit 'F' to destroy
Just so you all know, I am NOT, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be Darkk.
Although I would like to know what happened to him.
"They're everywhere!"- hapless victim #203948
Lightnings: lol
Sargatanus: Are you 'Rebel? I'd really like to know. You can Email me if ya like. (url="http://"mailto:admiraldennis@mac.com")mailto:admiraldennis@mac.com(/url)admiraldennis@mac.com
He got a slight promotion.
Check out my new plug, coming within 2 months of Hera's release!
Oh, yah, it would be nice if we could reserect the content from the old board.
I had an idea...
Commander-in-Chief of the Nijayias Interstellar Navy.