It's a difficult one to find a good view on. It's actually surprisingly thick, it's just that the forward detail gives the illusion that it's a particularly flat vessel. I'll draft up some orthographic views next time I'm on my computer. Either way, looking at it, I'm still not 100% on the design. It may (very likely) see revision to get it back in line with the concept I first had years ago.
Also DarthKev, you would appear to be right. Honestly, I wasn't trying to follow your design when I did it; there must have been something in my subconscious that kept your ship lodged in my mind.
The original Monolith, drawn in crude graphite years ago, was mostly just a big rectangular brick with artillery at the front. I was trying to give it a certain treatment fitting in line with the new parts I have, but as I said, I'm still not entirely impressed with myself.
Fortunately, I've got a six hour ride ahead tomorrow, so I'll be trying to get some solid work done on a new model.