Well now, this topic certainly got bumped from the first page with haste. No problem though...
I promised an update once I had new material, and here it is!
I spent approximately seven hours straight on my laptop today, putting together the model for the Journeyman Class Surveyor, or in other words, the NDC approximation for the ever-favored Starbridge. If I can get the engines together right, you should really enjoy the design of the craft, and hopefully it'll work well in conjunction with the Versatile Class Shuttle in filling its role as a staple ship; one of those golden spacecraft that you hold onto for maybe a whole third of the game, only occasionally changing the weapons or performance. Aside from that, the Journeyman is rather elegant compared to other NDC ships, and features some new design components I'll be applying to all NDC ship models, most obviously visible: the refractor array; the shield generator of the ship.
The following two screenshots are taken from Sketchup, showing the design of the primary hull of the Journeyman, engines detached. The components you see lying to either side of the ship aren't attached to the hull; simply model scraps I'm moving around while I try to come up with a final design for the engines. Once the whole thing is done, it'll bear a slight resemblance to the dropship seen in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, with overhead outboard engines like the wings of a bird, almost. Also note that the mounting pylons for the outboard engines have not been modelled, and when completed will be fitted onto the existing chassis.

First screenshot, detailing the forward end of the ship's crew compartment, with human figure included for size comparison, if you trace along the character's feet to the red line intersecting the hull near the nose. The two rods off the front of the craft are not weapons, but rather, a deep space sensor antenna system. There is another aft-swept antenna mounted atop the ship, used for ship-to-fleet or ship-to-planet/station communications over great distances, such as would be encountered during a surveyor mission, the craft's primary function. The small armored slot in the front of the craft is a reinforced window to the cockpit, though all of the ship's navigation is managed electronically through sensors, making the window purely for decoration and crew comfort.

Second screenshot, taken from off the aft left quarter of the ship, as seen from below the craft. This shot reveals the cargo loading bay at the rear of the crew compartment, with another human figure inserted on the loading platform for size comparison. Outward-swinging restricted-motion (preventing inward forcing) airlock doors prevent weapons fire from penetrating the craft from the rear, but also allows for the rapid loading or unloading of cargo into the bay in the back of the ship, behind the living compartment. Cargo floodlights can be seen on the lower aft left quarter as a small rectangular box with a curved lamp inset, and an identical floodlight above the cargo door, for illumination under dark conditions, lighting the entire interior of the ship's aft canopy and providing ground lighting on either side of the ship. On the underside of the vehicle is the variable landing strut, which can be repositioned either forward or backward from the center of the craft, depending on the vessel's center of gravity, allowing for more stable landings. The rest of the ship is held upright on landing by the massive outboard engines, which rotate downward both to assist with atmospheric flight and to serve as giant landing "legs" for the surveyor. By positioning the engines into a downward orientation, this configuration also allows for rapid liftoff in perfect VTOL fashion, negating the need for any forward momentum to achieve escape velocity. The only vehicle that rivals the civilian Journeyman for blastoff time is the military-owned NDC TT-14 Dropship, which is capable of reaching 1 km engagement-zone escape height within eight seconds, if required, albeit a gut-wrenching experience for the passengers.
In both shots, the Nova Technologies Refractor array can be seen as a set of plates striped alongside the vessel's hull, the generators of the specialized graviton-magnetic field, not to be confused with the larger and simpler armored surface panels affixed to the ship's midsection.
There, I hope that gives you something to chew on for a while; I still need to finish the engines.