You forgot the Athena. How could you forget the Athena?
@darthkev, on Jan 5 2011, 08:35 AM, said in EVN - Delphi:
You forgot the Athena. How could you forget the Athena?
You're right. I thought I was short a ship.
You also missed the Guardian, which I think looks a lot like the Monolith. Are they the same thing just with a name-change? You also missed the Chrenari, Cyphus, Imperator, Cephecon, and Mars. Oh, and the Sigma. You're missing quite a lot, actually.
(I assume most of the missing ships simply haven't been rendered yet)
@darthkev, on Jan 5 2011, 12:46 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:
You also missed the Guardian, which I think looks a lot like the Monolith. Are they the same thing just with a name-change? You also missed the Chrenari, Cyphus, Imperator, Cephecon, and Mars. Oh, and the Sigma. You're missing quite a lot, actually.
(I assume most of the missing ships simply haven't been rendered yet)
Correct. This is just a table of the completed ships. I have models for the others, but no final renders.
@delphi, on Jan 5 2011, 01:50 AM, said in EVN - Delphi:
I must say , what you've done this past year is quite amazing. Outstanding work Delphi!
The Mars Corvette has now been added to the game. It came out looking and performing pretty much exactly the way I wanted it to. It's the fastest ship in the NDC fleet other than a fighter, and its forward missile launcher gives it a distinctive edge against short-range combat vessels.
(Don't worry, I didn't render it on the wrong angle. That's one of its banking frames. Also, it's not that big on-screen.)
Way shway, very smooth. Is the white spot a cockpit? It's near the front and seems to be centered, so it looks like it is, or just a canopy bridge (but that's less likely, methinks).
This post has been edited by DarthKev : 07 January 2011 - 12:17 PM
@darthkev, on Jan 7 2011, 10:15 AM, said in EVN - Delphi:
Way shway, very smooth. Is the white spot a cockpit? It's near the front and seems to be centered, so it looks like it is, or just a canopy bridge (but that's less likely, methinks).
You'll actually notice it on several other, much larger ships. It's actually part of the ship's Acoustic Imaging System, a gravimetric sensor designed to pick up the mass fluctuations and movements of nearby objects and translate them into recognizable sound. In short, it lets the crew "hear" what's happening outside the ship.
The ship previously known as the Falconridge is being renamed. I wanted something simpler, so I'm going with the bird-of-prey connotation in "Falcon" and using the general term "Raptor" instead. Trust me, with the weapon system I'm building into the ship, the name is well-deserved.
The Raptor carries an experimental Graviton Concussion Cannon: a medium range rapid-fire gun that thrashes the hull of its target with a square-wave gravity pulse, alternating hurriedly between positive and negative fields. In effect, this has a tenderizing effect on the enemy's hull much like an earthquake, as ripples travel outward from the focal point until the surface of the material either buckles or turns to liquid. If the weapon can acquire a solid lock on one element of an enemy ship, this process can occur within a matter of seconds. However, the graviton pulse does only minimal damage to refractor shields, so the Raptor must first discharge the shields of the enemy vessel before hoping to deliver any real damage. For this reason, it is often used as a fleet support vessel, or in tandem with a tough short-range cruiser.
From a plug-in standpoint, the Raptor is unique in that its GCC is a non-removable weapon, and it's the only ship in the entire game with such a large version of the rare weapon. You'll find it here and there on Enclave ships as a turret or a light cannon, but never as artillery.
Nice! Let's see if I can name them all...
1. Bottom left, there's a Gammadon 2.
2. Right side, a Centaur patrolling the planet.
3. Top left, one of these guys escorted by a pair of police corvettes, possibly the Mars if that's what you named it. -
DK gets like 50 points, I think he got 'em all correct
Oops, I missed another ship sitting on top of the planet. It's small, though, so I think it's just one of the 'decoration ships' mentioned here. At the same time, though, I don't think it's either of the ships in the post.
You know what, that actually might be a Journeyman 1A.
It's probably a Journeyman. I don't see any of the Archon Fins.
On a side note, this game disappoints me because all the little detail you have to put into your ships are blurred, because you have to shrink all of the ships' sizes just so that the game can actually keep running and load your files properly. Maybe it needs an engine update to process things better
This post has been edited by king_of_manticores : 08 January 2011 - 06:06 PM
@king_of_manticores, on Jan 8 2011, 03:03 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:
On a side note, this game disappoints me because all the little detail you have to put into your ships are blurred...
Fear not, manticore. You'll see all the detail in the shipyard images and, for those ships you can't buy, you'll see it when you contact them.
This world needs some more NDC-Enclave collaborations for the end of the first campaign, so here's the Escaeon (es-KAE-on) Frigate. It's nothing too special, except that it was slightly inspired by the SSV Normandy from Mass Effect (note the forward 'rake' angle on the engineering section), and it's fairly fast. It's armament is lighter - the result of being a post-war vessel with less combat considerations - and its shields are stronger than most ships, while its armor is weaker. These specifications make it well-suited as a heavy scout, somewhere between being a science and/or a military vessel. There also exists an alternate version with an additional engine module based off of the Ares corvette, giving it a slightly higher acceleration and also a higher reactor energy.
The biggest plus about this ship is that its engineering "wedge" design is not just incidental. The ship behaves without inertia, owed to a finely crafted graviton field projected around the ship's center of mass which gives it unprecedented maneuvering capability. This can, however, make the targeting of artillery weaponry difficult. The Escaeon is more suited to the use of turrets, and as a result sports a maximum of 4.
When I look at the Escaeon, I can't help but think of the military Sigma, seen here. An angled shot can be found here. The engineering sections are different, but the cannon housings and the hull sections between the cannons are very similar on both ships. I assume this means you've decided on a standard style for NDC-Enclave collaborative designs.
I'd agree with Kev. Perhaps you will need a third cannon
More guns never hurt anyone, right?
Except the dude you're pointing said guns at.