If I haven't said this before, I'll say it again. You are one of the most amazing people EVER!!!! Its cool to finally see your face. Those are looking really cool and I can't wait to get to fly them. Also I'm not sure if I've mentioned it but the TEC ships of Sins of a Solar Empire look quite similar to yours with their boxy industrial look. Keep those awesome ships coming!
Hey all, sorry it's been so long with no update; i've been helping out a bunch at work to temporarily replace an associate suffering from a collapsed lung. Nasty stuff. In other news, I have purchased an iPod touch, and I'm typing this from it right now, actually. It's a bit of a dead week for creativity, maybe I'll fix some errant resources in mission computer or something.
As usual, updates when they hit me; I know it's been a long dry spell as of late and I apologize for that. Maybe just chill out for a while until I get something really nice for you all.
That's just fine. I haven't provided any for my TC, besides that Photon Cannon graphic I needed help with. It's not really mandatory at all. Take your time. It's more important to finish the project thoroughly than generate a huge amount of hype which dies when they realize all you have are the graphics that made the hype.
So I've been working to create the hard-hitting sound of the Nichron cannon, and I thought I might as well throw together a sample clip so you can see what direction I'm leaning in. It's supposed to be powerful, percussive, and ultimately mechanical and unfeeling. Let me know what you think.
Please note this is not the final version; I'm hoping I can put a slight hint of harmonic resonance beneath the straight, "static" track, just to give the weapon a little bit of character when it fires. Also, the balance and equalization was mixed using a pair of higher-end studio headphones, so I regret to inform you it sounds a bit quiet through smaller speakers (laptop, etc), as the mix was designed for powerful bass and sharp treble on a larger soundstage. I'll be working on the optimization as I go.
Sound File Contents: One single shot, multiple "automatic" shots for blending comparison.
Attached File(s)
NichTest.mp3 (57.72K)
Number of downloads: 97
This post has been edited by Delphi : 05 August 2008 - 05:09 AM
Very, very nice. I wish they had some sort of Photoshop for sounds with a graphical interface. It would be so fun to mess this up completely.
I've been taking a look at some of the technical abilities of a piece of software called Z-Brush in regards to mechanical shapes, and as a person who has as of late been more partial to working with his hands, all I can say is that a software modeler actually based on the physics of real-world sculpting would be an absolutely boon to this project; the kind of thing to push the visual form factor to the very ceiling of Nova's sprite-based capabilities. I would also love to get into some of the more organic principles of model creation as well, and so, although SketchUp has been good to me for so long as it has, especially in conjunction with good ol' Bryce, I fear it may be time to put down the old tools for something new, and not to mention, something more time efficient.
I'll be putting in extra time at work for the next month in order to budget for Z-Brush. Here goes nothing...
Hmm, looks like an interesting idea. Maybe I'll check it out at some point.
From what I've read, ZBrush is rather unusual.... If you haven't already, perhaps you should download the documentation and/or the (PC-only) trial version before plunking down your change. Make sure you are going to be able to produce sprite images by rotating them in even increments while keeping light sources the same or, if you can't do that within ZBrush, by exporting models with their textures.
Just want to say I'm really looking forward to seeing this finished, the conept art for that figure as well is awesome! Will there be cut scenes/mission illustrations in Delphi? I thought a nice idea would be to illustrate the dialog/events when reading the mission text, as if you were turning the pages of a sci-fi comic (no, I'm not one of those geeks haha, though I always found US propaganda). Would love to help if you want to pick it up
Every post in this topic has made me happier and happier.
I love it. And I think it's yet another one of the TC's planned to come out next year.
This post has been edited by kingofvwcosmos : 12 September 2008 - 05:30 PM
Ohh... Shiny.
Nice. You are a much more inspired modeler than me. I don't have that type of imagination.