@darthkev, on 27 December 2013 - 04:05 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:
I'm guessing there's some reason you don't want to simply move the icons to the other side of the bars?
Oh! But there is another option! Look at SFA's interface for Starfleet ships. The bars are vertical and behave as such, draining downward. You could put the icons beneath them. Especially since the NDC has horizontal bars, vertical bars would be just the thing to separate them.
I considered that, but no matter how I place it, it always looks awkward when the rest of the display runs from right to left. I have a subtle gradient in the background and on the edge of each piece to make them "run off" the left edge with a bit of a curve, to simulate false depth.
I've touched it up a bit. It's not terrible with the bars draining to the left, so I'll just leave it be. I did, however, properly fit the target display and the navigation panel. However, it runs up just a little south of 800 pixels tall. Is anybody still using 768 or 720 as their vertical resolution? I would think most people's displays can run 900 or 1080 by now, but if you guys tell me it's a problem, I'll shrink it.