@guy, on 21 February 2017 - 06:00 PM, said in ROTUE files:
Right, here's SpacePort 1.3.0b1 with automatic rleD encoding (thanks David Arthur!) and other improvements.
Not a big deal, but it would be nice if that could be acknowledged in the about box too. 
What version of REALbasic are you building this with, by the way?
@guy, on 21 February 2017 - 08:49 PM, said in ROTUE files:
Supporting the .rez format would require borrowing more code from David (or writing my own) and I don't think he has PICT support for Windows so it wouldn't be able to do the rleD encoding for you.
Correct — even on the Macintosh, getting PICTs in and out of a .rez file required some trickery. I never so much as had any ideas of how to manage it on Windows.
And ResFrame is such a massive part of MissionComputer, and so different from anything that one would write using standard REALbasic methods. I have trouble seeing how you would make much use of it, short of essentially re-writing SpacePort according to MissionComputer’s principles.
Anyway, wouldn’t Windows users still need a Macintosh user’s help, just to get the old plug-ins into .rez format in the first place?