Just wondering--how do you guys make Enclave-styled wings? I know Sp3cies has accomplished that, so what pieces do you use?
Guys guys GUYS! Seriously! Okay, here are the FULL SIZE IMAGES! Sheesh. No offense Sp3cies, but the Barak fighter looks like a detailed block with engines. Not that a few of my models don't look like that. The last two have shape, but look remarkably similar. All of them do.
Here you go guys. The pictures with the claw arms at the top or bottom are the station pics.
Hmm. Should have made them a bit smaller.
Jai, that looks freakin' scary! I'd say it would work best as a massive ship the size of a station, most likely for a boss-fight mission.
Sp3cies, nice fighters. My favorite is probably the Skaar, but I have to ask; is the Cern named after CERN in Europe? Jai, I think they're supposed to look similar on purpose, perhaps manufactured by the same company/government/organization.
Thanks, DarthKev. It kind of is supposed to look scary. The effect is just really from the claws. If they weren't there, it would look like a cargo freighter. And, even if they were made by the same company, it is SCARY how similar they look. The entire body and engines are the exact same. The only different thing is the minor wing details. I just noticed that I triple-posted earlier. I HATE doing that. :mad:
** :hector_bird: ** -
I'd call that thing something related to spiders--I mean no offense when I say this, because that reminds me of an arachnid of sorts.
None taken, because I mainly agree with you.
They are indeed produced by the same company hence the similarity, the guns are the only thing that is in the same place on all of them but I like playing around with various shapes multiple times just to see what I can get.
As for the Cern/CERN question, it actually came from the Dutch word Kern which means reactor but I wanted a softer sound.That thing looks beastly Spartan Jai, that chunk in the middle though, is very disproportionate and takes away from the whole thing in my opinion.
On another note I can post a picture of all the pieces I used for the Enclave fin or if you prefer I can upload the SketchUp file so you can mess with my variant. Nevermind Delphi already uploaded something.This post has been edited by Sp3cies : 21 August 2010 - 01:58 AM
Yeah, I know. However, I was not able to make something more detailed because my computer would freeze up for about twenty (time it) minutes at a time when I tried to import the Curved hull with substructure. On second thought, I'll download the enclave wing delphi posted and mess with it. Hopefully it will come out good.
Brief experimenting with the two enclave pieces
I feel like i should Shift the front down a bit further.
While you could move it, it still looks awesome the way it is.
I hate double posting. More than anything in the world. Except maybe trying to redo the core ring in my 'Scary Arachnid Boss of Doom'. By the way, the name was comprised of various comments on the actual structure. Well, I added the Doom part on my own, because 'Scary Arachnid Boss', well, wasn't feelin' it. Took me forever, and then I painted some of it. I really hate to praise my own work, but this is the best thing I've done in sketchup.
Hmm. Apparently for the first two I had a component selected so the rest was gray. Still looks good.
I should just edit my earlier post, but...
Anyway, fooling around with the insert spoiler button. Still getting used to forums.
Wanna Know how the core was made?
The core is made out of two Massive Hulls with Substructures, and two Equipment Blocks.EDIT: Hmm. Realized I'm wasting everyone's time with this post. Except mine. Hmm.
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 21 August 2010 - 06:55 PM
Gunboat design I had, but couldn't make... Until the Enclave Wings! Kinda went crazy with them, and then stopped.
Also discovered today that (should've known this) you can't take the picture out of your dropbox. Hmm. Should've known.
**** :hector_bird: :hector_bird: :hector_bird: :hector_bird: :hector_bird: ****
Agent Hector.This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 21 August 2010 - 09:46 PM
Awesome gunboat, Jai! I really like it. Also, while I didn't fix your gatling gun design, I did make my own.
Bigger barrels, all in the right place, and it comes with its own housing! You don't need to cover up any part of it! The best part is I'm letting anyone use it!I did use two of Delphi's pieces in it construction, the Angle-Cut Light Strut and the Chevron, but otherwise everything else it's made up of is my own work. I might make a turret version, too. Probably not since my ships won't have visible turrets, but you never know. Feel free to make a turret for it yourself, if you want.
THANK YOU! I now have an acceptable mingun/gatling gun/rotary cannon/ whatever!!!! This is awesome! And thank you, but which images did you say desktop about? Your gun? My ships? Drachaseele's ship? What I'm also curious about is how you made the tube barrels. Also, how many monitors do you have? Cause unless you make a collage of all of them, you can only have one image at a time as your background.
Thank you Darthkev, God From Above, (if you want, that can be your official title). Anyway, took awesome rotary gun and added (subbed) it.
And my personal favorite...
'How ya like me na-ow!'
You can just hear the background sounds. First BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM and then music "'How ya like me na-ow!' 'background voices Ooooh' 'How ya like me na-ow!'" (If you know that song let me know) KA-BOOOOOOOOM!!!! Sorry. Carried away. It's fun though... Try it sometime.
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 21 August 2010 - 10:59 PM
I was referring to your gunboat when I said desktop. I meant that I was adding all of the images of it to my list of desktops. As for my monitors, I have but one. However, modern OSs can change the desktop image automatically on the interval of your choosing. Currently I have it set to change them in alphabetical order every time the computer wakes from sleep mode.
How'd I make the barrels? Simple. I started with a cylinder, added a smaller circle on one end, and used the Push/Pull tool to push the smaller circle inside the cylinder, creating an opening. I originally designed it with simple open-ended cylinders, but that made the barrels look too feeble and fragile.
Oh, and you wouldn't happen to be talking about How Ya Like Me Now by The Heavy, would you?
This post has been edited by DarthKev : 21 August 2010 - 11:24 PM
Okay, let's add Musical Genius to the list of Darthkev's titles. Lets read a few.
God from Above
Visual Inconsistency Spotter
SD Fleet Commander
And most recently, MUSICAL GENIUS! Fireworks going off people cheering until their arms fall off (huh?) good old fashioned celebratory gunfireAnyway, spot on as always. So if I understand this correctly, the 'inner barrel' is slightly farther (as in like a 50th of an inch) forward than the outer barrel?
EDIT: I used to have my mac set like that, but whenever I would quit Nova or anything else that ran full screen, it would revert back to the standard blue swirly image. Had some beautiful pictures of Wyoming too.
EDIT2: I don't mean to be disrespectful or annoying or offensive, and I know that we're mostly making these for our own amusement (quoting Meaker) but does Delphi look at this thread? He's posted on it once, but it's kind of odd to have a thread created for a person and then have that... person... never... check it...
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 22 August 2010 - 12:37 AM
Please, please, stop, you'e making me blush.
I'm quite satisfied with my chosen HOTS-related title.
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 21 2010, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So if I understand this correctly, the 'inner barrel' is slightly farther (as in like a 50th of an inch) forward than the outer barrel?
No, not quite. The outside of the barrel and the inside meet at the opening. I used the Push/Pull tool to push the smaller circle inside the outer barrel. That created a hole in the outer barrel and created the inner barrel at the same time.
EDIT: I used to have my mac set like that, but whenever I would quit Nova or anything else that ran full screen, it would revert back to the standard blue swirly image. Had some beautiful pictures of Wyoming too.
Weird, that shouldn't be happening... There are a few things that can cause that to happen. One such example is if EVN on your computer doesn't run at the same screen resolution you normally have your monitor set to. When EVN quits and your computer redraws your desktop (including resetting the resolution if EVN runs at a different one) you computer may also be resetting the desktop image when redrawing the desktop because of the change in resolution. There are other causes, as well, but more than I would care to explain here.
EDIT2: I don't mean to be disrespectful or annoying or offensive, and I know that we're mostly making these for our own amusement (quoting Meaker) but does Delphi look at this thread? He's posted on it once, but it's kind of odd to have a thread created for a person and then have that... person... never... check it...
Mainly these are meant for use in EVN (or that's what we tell the mods so they don't move it to Just Graphics ;)) and Delphi can ask to use them if he likes. Anyone can ask to use these, really. You saw that StarSword asked Meaker for permission to use some of the designs he posted.
This thread was originally created by me upon the suggestion of king_of_manticore, Shlimazel, and I think JacaByte as a way to prevent the Delphi TC Status Thread from being derailed by others posting their creations as Delphi asked people to do. And so it's been since June 4th of this year. People post their creations here with the exception of their own personal designs meant to act as their përs ship in the Delphi TC which go in the Delphi thread. manticore has his Inexorable and I've got the Wyvern in there.
First of all, be glad I didn't decide to go on a random-title-making-up-rampage, because you would've been more embarrassed. Barrel: good to know. I'll be attempting a remake that'll look similar to yours. Desktop thing worked. I set Nova to run in a window, and then set it to run fullscreen, and it auto adjusted! Works fine! And about delphi, makes sense. Thanks.
By the way, about the list of titles, and I know you announced this already but I could've added...
That you're also Kronos, except I didn't in case someone didn't know.EDIT16: I just saw the resemblance between my gunboat and the classic Confed Cruiser. Cool. Must have been my subconscious.
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 22 August 2010 - 11:02 AM