Acting upon DarthKev's advice, I decided to add the cockpit to my fighter... Which led to its revamp...
Something I was working on, but lost interest on. Simple really, Long range astroid launcher, fulfills all your planetary bombardment needs.
Keep in mind many of the parts are actually made up of parts themselves. If you explode certains ones, it will give you even more pieces to tinker with.
I'm personally fond of shmup ship designs. Einhander, Gradius, Thunder Force, Silpheed, so on~
Now that is sweet! It's just me, but I prefer my ships to be symmetrical. But that is still cool!
All right, it's not letting me post some of my images. it says dynamic pages in the (IMG) tags are not allowed. So, I changed the password and am opening my dropbox; Feel free to check out some of the stuff. If you want to know the name and pass, PM me.
Sorry about this, but I also want to keep the thread on track by having people NOT try to solve my problems. It's not that I wouldn't appreciate it, but once again, thread on track.This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 12 August 2010 - 10:25 PM
Pfwooo, that Asteroid Launcher and the Pelican, damn nice.
This is a freighter, pretty much giving up on making things this big though cause it takes ages to orbit around and such which makes it no fun to tweak all the little bits.
Haven't made up my mind about this one yet.
This post has been edited by Sp3cies : 13 August 2010 - 05:42 AM
If it takes too long to orbit around, make the entire ship a component/or group, and use the scale tool in the large toolbox to make it smaller.
EDIT: Sorry about the dropbox, that's my personal one. I'll use a different one... Should have thought about that...
EDIT 2: The front view of your EXL Jupiter class warship looks like a star destroyer. And, do you mind if I paint the pelican like the EEI Ships to see what it looks like?
EDIT 3: Sp3cies, the third ship looks like it would be a carrier. However, I have one qualm about saying that... Where is the bridge intended to be on it?This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 13 August 2010 - 10:10 AM
Sp3cies, as usual you've got some amazing designs here. As for problems orbiting, I think Jai's suggestion will work, though you don't need to make the entire ship one component (I'm sure you know that, I'm mainly typing it for Jai's knowledge). I haven't tested it completely, but I seem to remember being able to more easily rotate around my models when I scaled them down and only scaled up after I was finished.
Your second ship looks, to me, like a space station. The fan in the back could be docking ports for large ships and the pods on either side could be sensor/defense modules. The large cannon piece slung under the front could be a main deflector dish (a la Star Trek) or maybe a docking bay for smaller ships. At the same time, this could be a massive juggernaut capable of carrying entire fleets with it while they are docked to it. The forward cannon could be some sort of super-destructo beam capable of scarring/destroying/depopulating entire planets. Or at least used for cutting a swath through enemy fleets.
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 13 2010, 07:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And, do you mind if I paint the pelican like the EEI Ships to see what it looks like?
Sure, do what you like. It's not like I hold a monopoly on that color scheme.
This post has been edited by DarthKev : 13 August 2010 - 10:34 AM
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 13 2010, 07:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If it takes too long to orbit around, make the entire ship a component/or group, and use the scale tool in the large toolbox to make it smaller.
That's not always true. If you have more component or group instances, lines, and edges, the model will likely take longer to manipulate. Sketchup only uses one processor, so it can't actaully handle as much data as other 3d programs. That said, if you use components well, I've had models that were 100+ MB and had millions of edges.
Someone requested curved ships? And Turrets? This isn't the best ship I've ever made, but I wanted to throw it out there quickly. I'll let you dissect that turret, but the turret base (not the arms and guns) uses 3 unique components a total of 7 times, one 4 times, one 1 time, and one twice.
The curved ship came from a blender polygon with a level 2 subsurface. It's pretty easy, when blender opens, you start with a cube. Changing the mode from "object" to "edit," and switching selection from "points" to "faces," you click on the faces you want, hit "E" and that will create a new face. "G" grabs (moves), "R" rotates, and "S" scales. X/Y/Z are axis locks. Export to .obj or .3ds and import into sketchup to use. I'd recommend splitting it into 2 halves once it's in sketchup and not doing more than 2 subsurface levels, sketchup freaks out with that many faces. As you can see, the shadows aren't right (for some reason).
that didn't work.
EDIT 2: I'll be reposting the colored pelican in a minute. Thanks, Sp3cies. And, the curved ship and turrets look awesome.This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 13 August 2010 - 03:31 PM
This is the Revamp of my Pelican Class Carrier. I know the coloring is off, but it gives the same idea. Couldn't quite get the maroon right, and it wouldn't let me color some parts dark gray. Anyway, I made some custom Missile turrets and some custom Heavy Turrets that are in the attachment. Actually, the missile turret file is too big, so I'm gonna upload the base for the turret on a different post. If you download it, just add two quad missile tubes.
Attached File(s) (43.53K)
Number of downloads: 3
Double posting... Anyway, here is the missile turret base. Again, just add two (or however many you want) missile tubes to the turret base. Turret base is simple and low detail... Enjoy!
P.S. Don't let the fact that it's low detail keep you from downloading it if you want it. It isn't like it's a block with a missile tube on top.
Attached File(s) (11.08K)
Number of downloads: 2
This is an Auroran ship I made. Doesn't have to be Auroran. Can't tell if it should be a cruiser or a fighter. THIS WAS THE SHIP IT WAS GIVING ME CRAP ABOUT!!! I FIXED IT!!!
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 13 August 2010 - 06:25 PM
Quadruple posting is bad for your brain. Makes it hurt. Anyway, here is a Stealth Light Frigate.
That fighter looks awesome! Like a souped up sports car version of the Firebird. Or the Phoenix. Maybe a cross between the two.
Your stealth frigate looks more like a modern battleship, albeit with a giant cannon sitting on the surface of the water, but still. Though, I'd imagine a stealth ship would be more streamlined, like the US's current stealth boats and the now-old stealth bomber (don't know official designations). I guess my biggest gripe is the front end. The back looks fine, nice and smooth. The front, though, just doesn't scream 'stealth' to me. Ah well, it's your ship.
And it still looks good in general.
Well I did want to make it smoother, but delphi's parts would require some serious manipulation in order to get them to the point I want. And I really don't have the experience to attempt that.
Stealth Ship thing A: I kind of took the idea from the Halo book series that the stealth ship had a coating that when in the blackness of space, would either reflect or bend the light (KIND OF like today), ie, calling it a stealthed ship.
Stealth Ship thing B: It does kind of look like a modern day warship doesn't it?
Stealth Ship thingThe cannons (there are three of them) on the front were put there primarily because I thought my ships should have more than just turrets.
Stealth Ship thingI didn't make the STEALTH SHIP black because then it would be too stealthy, and you wouldn't be able to steer it. Much less see it. Kind of like the Kestrel
Fighter: I guess it does look that way. In my opinion, it's the best (maybe besides the pelican) ship I've modeled so far. By the way, thanks on that. That is a HUGE compliment, especially since it is from someone who knows what they're doing, to someone who hasn't quite got the hang of it yet... Thanks!Stealth Ship thing E: Thought I was done, didn't you! Anyway, any tips on how to make it smooth would be appreciated.
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 14 August 2010 - 12:17 AM
QUOTE (Spartan Jai @ Aug 13 2010, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Stealth Ship thing E: Thought I was done, didn't you! Anyway, any tips on how to make it smooth would be appreciated.
Tips eh? Take a look at this ship:
A basic model made from Delphi's pieces, right? Now look at this one:
Believe it or not both of these ships share the same basic model. In fact, the only difference between the two is the second one has extra lines drawn to make basic shapes to cover up the spaces. The 'line tool' is in the upper left corner, the one with a pencil on it. All I did was trace the sides of the pieces and added a few extra lines to make the shape appear. Try it out on the front of your stealth frigate, just cover up the spaces.
I'm actually leaving, so I'll try it later, but thanks for the tips. If I'm correct, you could actually explode the component and delete the stuff that gives it texture, right?
Yeah but filling in gaps doesn't take that long and you get kickin' stuff like this bad boy...
Not as cool as the original but works better in some places.
Also speaking of turrets I made this beasty a little while ago.
I have a number of variants with more or less cannons, different cannons, and the missile tubes as well.
This post has been edited by Sp3cies : 14 August 2010 - 08:37 PM
All right, I'll try some of this stuff. Right now, too.
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