Elbee Shipyards Icarus Class Escort Gunship

Though the Elbee Liner is one tough cookie, too many close calls prompted Elbee Intergalactic to look for a solution. They decided the best option was to design an escort craft of some kind, but the cost of designing something themselves was prohibitive. As luck would have it the Star Navy began to look toward cruisers, bombers, and gunboats for light and mid-sized craft, resulting in the decommissioning of the Icarus Class Gunship. EIG bought up the remaining vessels and the design soon after.
As I was modeling this, I took a look back at old notes and old posts in this thread. One thing I noticed was a post by me saying I would occasionally notify you all in side notes when I had new ships in the gallery. After reading that I realized I had done no such thing since posting that. So, I'm saying it now: the Elbee Gunship actually marks my 110th model for HOTS, meaning 110 images in the gallery now.
Also, for those of you who've visited the gallery in the past but have not recently, it now has a somewhat new look. Seeing as there are 110 images in there, it gets a little disorganized. However, I managed to figure out how to separate images into albums within the gallery. If you were to visit the gallery now, you'd find 17 individual albums, each containing ships from one group or government. Check it out!
StarSword, on Dec 8 2010, said:
Holy 5H1T. :blink:
:laugh: :hector_bird: That is absolutely incredible.
I don't remember the D-back. Have you not gotten to the Star Navy yet?
No, I have not. I'm actually considering leaving out military ships in this thread, though, and just reviewing civilian models. If you guys want reviews of the military ships, too, then I can post them once done with the civilian models. If not, you'll find out more about them when I finish the TC.
I like the Elbee color scheme, yellow and black. Reminds me of, well ... a bee.
Again, the yellow in this case is supposed to be gold. Sol Shipyards has yellow to represent the color of the sun. Estee Luxury and Elbee Intergalactic share gold as their color for the luxury they provide and because they were once one company, as explained way back in this post. ELX then took on light grey/chrome (maybe) as a base color and EIG took on black for a base. EIG also has a slightly different shade of gold than ELX.
This post has been edited by DarthKev : 19 January 2011 - 08:35 PM