I've attached a sketchup-screen output render setup. To use it, simply double click on the compass thing in the working drawing, and import your ship facing toward the north end of the compass, centered on the center point. You may need to experiment with the size to get it to work properly, but usually completely centering the ship (with it's glow attached) and scaling it to the size of the circle works (Hit your scale button, then click on one of the handles along the axis and hold 'shift' and 'control' to make it scale uniformly around the center with snapping).
Feel free to play with the style to get it to your liking, as long as you edit the sprite-style it'll update all the scenes. If you create or use a new style, make sure to apply it to all the numbered scenes by:
A ) Creating a view with your style applied
B ) Selecting all the numbered scenes in the scene window
C ) Clicking the "update" button on the top of the scene window
D ) Updating only the style/shadow - DO NOT UPDATE CAMERA POSITION OR LAYERS.
E ) Click "Update."
I recommend using the mask scene for doing your masks, though if you've changed the lines settings make sure to change the mask style to reflect your settings. Make sure to fill the model with the provided all-white texture. There's some whacked-out stuff I did to get it to display all-white. Similarly, use the blacked-out mask setup for making engine glows.
When you're ready, hit File>Export>Animation, then select .png and check the options. Make sure that your exported image is square. It should take 1-2 minutes to export the whole animation. It will automatically add numbering to your name, and I usually create folders for my ships with the ship name and then name the animation frames by their type- "sprite," "glow," "mask," "glowmask," "weap," etc. If your sprite is animated, (like the leviathan or the asteroid miner) set up and export the first 36 frames as your first stage of animation, then set up the section stage of your animation and export another 36, etc, until you've got the whole thing down. You can also do banking by rotating your (hopefully centered) model around it's axis, and export again. Make sure to do all glows and masks for one stage before continuing.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Blast you! Blast you demented sunglasses smiley! Taking over my lists!
does not equal B ).
Attached File(s)
This post has been edited by Meaker VI : 02 September 2010 - 10:38 AM