@david-arthur, on 16 February 2011 - 02:03 PM, said in MissionComputer: The Saga Continues:
The multiplication symobl isn’t a MacRoman character. The asterisk is the closest equivalent available when I convert text encodings; without conversion, it would merely be garbled. (And when I test, the same happens with the shän editor, as expected.)
I’ve recorded the other two issues, and will fix them in the next release.
Very good, seems I was mistaken about the shän.
There is a problem with MissionComputer 4.2’s RLE creation, that in my tests causes upwards-moving dots to appear on the left edge of sprite, and a checkerboard pattern along the very bottom of the sprite.
Witness, this is the exported sprite image of an RLE created in MC:

And here it is animated:

It may be difficult to see the dots on the left of the sprite above against the background of these forums, but they are there and should not be. The bottom row of pixels in each frame shows a checkerboard whereby every other pixel has been turned black, even when it should not be.
This next RLE was created in EnRLE from the same source image, and does not show the problem dots. It does, however, have other problems, with pixels not appearing exactly where they should. For example, look closely at the top edge of frame one:

And the animated version of the EnRLE sprite:

The source image is black and white, with no isolated dots anywhere:

And here is the source animated:

Edit: The problems with EnRLE are due to striping, when there is a large horizontal section all the same color. Introducing small fluctuations in the colors makes EnRLE work perfectly. MC, however, still has its same problems with or without striping.
This post has been edited by Qaanol : 21 February 2011 - 08:22 PM