I think I broke it again. :unsure:
I was going back and forth between a few different files (two Anathema data files and one Nova data file), and I started getting strange behavior from mouse-clicks. I closed the windows and dumped back into the MC browser, at which point I discovered that it was doing that strange inverted mouse click thing where mousing over a resource selects it, moving the mouse over several (not clicking) drag-selects, and clicking deselects everything (for a moment). I turned the mouse off and back on, quit out of MC, and opened up a few more programs to try to locate the problem. All other apps seem to work fine, and quitting/restarting the mouse didn't help. I would restart, but I'm 91 hours into a probably 150-hour render (splash screen v2.0 grrrrr) and because Strata's suspend/resume rendering function is finicky, I'd rather not chance it.
I should also mention that I did divide up the data files after the last set of errors. I also re-downloaded MC and trashed the prefs just to be sure.
(edit)Oh yeah, I forgot the important part. After re-opening the files (after restarting the app) I closed them again and got the following message: "MissionComputer has encountered a nil object error in the DocWindow:FileClose routine that prevents it from running. An additional error was encountered while trying to display this message.
"If this problem continues, please report these details on the EV Developer's Corner."
It happened twice, so I figured I'd do what you said and post them. 
This post has been edited by Archon : 06 April 2009 - 02:01 PM