w00t, minidisc player
Allliiiiiive??!!?!? Almost, with these unrelated emails Llythiumn senses this bar will drink itself into an object of the past. However, Llythiumn has finished his spoon, and everyone in the bar has gotten used to it's originally unbearable brightness, so he challenge anyone to a spoon duel, in one of those arenas mentioned awhile back, like maybe the one full of physical bars and anti-magic bars.
Llythiumn turns to Sid and is about to open his mouth when his empty mug is suddenly filled.
"What? Why are you looking at me? Your mug's full." Sidatious says in his deep, evil sounding voice. Llythiumn thinks Sid would make a good villain in a game or kid's movie. -
Llythiumn smiles when he realizes that this bar is not quite dead yet. He then says, "Greetings Sir Prophile. Where have I seen thy other name: "Agent_Vast" before? Could it be beyond the shores of these Ambrosia webboards?"
Llythiumn then hides his Spoon of Everlasting Glow as nobody seems to be interested in a duel or his quest. He then returns to sipping the same mug o' goldeshlager he's been sippin' since January 8. -
Da Priest wakes up from his long, alcohol induced nap, and looks around. His headache is so painful he nearly passes out again, but then he notices an old ad for a spoon duel.
"Finally! A challenger!!" he cries, remembering his challenge several pages back. He walks up to Sid, and before he even knows what to order, a mug full of evil smelling shtuff appears in front of him. He sips it nervously, then realizes that it is reducing his headache better than anything else ever could.
Da Priest stands up, wipes of his lips, and powers up his dusty Spoon of the Spirits. Lythiumn (sp), you're on!
Considering that our posts are few and far between Llythiumn predicts that this duel could take a couple months, but he's fine with a long duel if it's cool...and cruel...it'll make me...drool? OK Llythiumn is outa rhymes.
Anyway, Llythiumn draws out from the folds of is really cooly described clothing his Spoon of Everlasting Glow and glories in it's radiance. Da Priest has to shield his eyes. Then Llythiumn makes an awesome gesture which strikes fear deep into the hearts of all the patrons, especially Da Priest (but not Sid) by saying "Where should we have this duel of superior utensils?" -
Beer me!
OOC: I've been gone way too long. ;-; Anything interesting happen? Does anyone even remember me?
Ya, I remember you, but this board is dead. Just look at Da Priest, he didn't even bother to answer a question I asked at the beginning of February, let alone return to give this bar a proper burial. If this bar ever turns up in plug-in, it should be a bunch of zombies, trying to make pacts with "higher forces" to allow them to walk this earth again.
I remember most of the people who've been here, I've been around since near the beginning (srikes a pose trying to look important)
sags a bit when I notice that no-one is paying attention. wanders oover to the bar and orders a Barqs as I wander in and out of first/third person speech.
I dunno, it might be quicker for us to learn how to do Carbon patches, and port PoG to Mac osX ourselves :p. and by us I mean, somebody other than me...
smilers happiyly as I down my drink, and tjhe little pink ninja moogles start coming back
Glass shattered, as the Catlips Freak sprang through a window, and onto Da Priest's back. It arched his hands backward, grabbing Da Priest's ears with its fingertips, and jamming its thumbs into Da Priest's eyes.
"GARR! ME EYES!" Screamed Da Priest.
"The mushrooms are coming up nicely, Jarvis?" Asked the Catlips Freak, as it increased the pressure on Da Priest's eyes, popping them like balls of jelly.
"YAAARRR!" Screamed Da Priest.
The Catlips Freak pulled its thumbs back, ripping through the top of Da Priest's head, and revealing his brain through the two bleeding gashes. Da Priest's skull cracked and snapped into pieces along the crevasses made by the Catlips Freak. Da Priest collapsed, and the Catlips Freak removed its hands from his head, dripping with blood and grey ooze, with bits of skull still stuck to them.
"Bring in the broom like a good lass now." Explained the Catlips Freak.
Off trounced the Catlips Freak, only to return next april fools.
OOC: None of this actually happened
as usual these days, the pub is deserted as megah pushes past the heavy oaken doors. "seems like nobody comes here any more..." he muses to himself. then aloud, "so, are there no more sea giants to fight?" he asks the empty room and his words echo in the hollowness.
he orders an ambrosia then sips and stares at the odd collection of spoons behind the bar. "where are the warriors of yesterday?" he queries the bartender, his sad, bloodshot eyes pleading for the return to the glory days of heroes."listen, mac," the bartender consoles him. "i think you've had enough for today. why don't you finish that one and go on home."
"and besides," he adds as an afterthought, "i heard they're working on it. they'll have the bugs worked out soon. the panther will be no problem!"
after all, a bartender has to know how to lie...
megah, on Apr 5 2005, 08:23 PM, said:
as usual these days, the pub is deserted as megah pushes past the heavy oaken doors. "seems like nobody comes here any more..." he muses to himself. then aloud, "so, are there no more sea giants to fight?" he asks the empty room and his words echo in the hollowness.
he orders an ambrosia then sips and stares at the odd collection of spoons behind the bar. "where are the warriors of yesterday?" he queries the bartender, his sad, bloodshot eyes pleading for the return to the glory days of heroes."listen, mac," the bartender consoles him. "i think you've had enough for today. why don't you finish that one and go on home."
"and besides," he adds as an afterthought, "i heard they're working on it. they'll have the bugs worked out soon. the panther will be no problem!"
after all, a bartender has to know how to lie...
View PostMan thats deep
and true (i think)
No way this topic has remained unlocked...
Rawzer, 42 of the usual, I seem to have run dry over here.
Llythiumn stumbles into the bar and tries to remember what has happened. Unfortunatley he can't remember anything, he doesn't even know if he ever left, and begins to wonder how he stumbled in if he never left in the first place...
Then Llythiumn sees a brightly glowing spoon and he picks it up curiously, only to find that this object brings back a bit of his memory. He wonders if Da Priest will ever make the next move in the duel, especially now that Da Priest has not had fingers poked into his brain through his eyes. Llythiumn wonders if the unoccuring incident has made Da Priest Undead. It would be nice, considering that spoons glowing with holy light seem to work quite nicely against undead, along with this lamp that Llythiumn got in a crypt somewhere...
Anyway: Sidatious! I want a... ya, one of those.This post has been edited by Llythiumn : 25 April 2005 - 09:26 PM
Ah right, gotta get the drinks from that demon, Sid..sid..bartender.
SlaVitiCkus becomes engaged in a conversation with the bartender about life, the universe, and everything. Their conversation keeps leading them back to 42.
EDIT- Crap, my post count was halved, that's...odd....
This post has been edited by SlaVitiCkus : 26 April 2005 - 03:40 PM