LifeKnight obviously missed the part about ยentering the bar by any other wayย. 
Waiting for Sidatius the Demon to serve his boiled Semenon Master, LifeKnight sees that Arianne is chatting with Kryten unconcernedly, apparently not having noticed his entrance. For some reason, this only serves to unnerve LifeKnight.
The first sense he has that something is not right is the tingling that builds up in his gut. Sudden pain rips through him like lightning, leaving him doubled over and gasping for breath. His vision blurs, and fades, and steadies on another level. LifeKnight looks for the one who must be behind this attack, and blinks. Lines crisscross his sight, lines of energy, swirling, growing.
The second sense he has that something is not right begins when he looks at these lines of energy, and realise two things. They emanate from the main portal, and they are malicious. A dark spiderยs web, stretching out, seeking and drawing in its prey: him. LifeKnight is caught already; he finds to his horror that he is moving towards the portal, and he cannot escape. His struggles go unnoticed by the rest of the bar customers. No sword or other magical trinket can help him now, no spell nor strength, no wishing.
With the greatest of efforts he turns his head to look at Arianne. Her hood is thrown back for perhaps the first time since she came to this bar, and he sees her clearly. Her hair is dark, her skin pale, her lips tinged red, her features delicate. She is truly beautiful, and so wreathed in the same dark energy that holds him entrapped, that LifeKnight feels the pain of her black gaze as she looks at him.
She smiles, her fangs glistening in a shadow that has nothing to do with lack of light. ย No easy escape, little mortal. ย Her words are for LifeKnight alone to hear.
He has a single thought before his unwilling steps take him to the portal's edge: never mock a vampire. Then he is drawn completely into the portal, into a dimension with neither top nor bottom, nor inside nor out. There is only pain, and he can no longer see the portal through which he came.
(ooc) Please note that to most of the others, nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. All tthey know is that LifeKnight entered, ordered his meal, then left through the main time portal.
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(This message has been edited by premonition (edited 11-07-2003).)