Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • KDC gets reeeallly drunk and follows Rawzer to a week-long rehab.

      I'm not trying to strangle you... this is just an extremely violent neck massage.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Spazzybob:
      **Spazzybob wakes up hours later to find he had been in ANOTHER coma, This keep happening because he lost his medication somewhere in Berglum. ....."what happened to the Irs man?) being once again allowed a portal into this world, the IRS man reapears and says "........


      "mmm... There is a Dark fairy that I want you to capture... mmm... What! Heldan is looking for one too?... mmm... Well... mmm... just get me the symbol of high garendall... mmm.. that taken too?...mmm... well... mmm..."

      Rawzer gets annoyed and decides to...

      Clones are people two.
      If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
      A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thunderforge:
      **Rawzer gets annoyed and decides to...


      ...I didn't think this was one of those threads.

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, and Ory' hara.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
      **...I didn't think this was one of those threads.


      I'm leaving it open ended. This has happened in several places in this thread to make things more interesting (remember Rawzer's clone?). In the situation that I gave, Rawzer could have just booted the IRS man out of the bar, or thrown him into the scalding hot tub. But I'm leaving it open ended to make an oportunity for a more creative result.

      Clones are people two.
      If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
      A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

    • KDC raises a semi-inquisitive eyebrow while looking at Thunderforge and SlaV, then decides to go about her own business.

      She contents herself with making a gigantic vat full of Dutch Apple Butter, having perfected her recipe. When the scent of her delightful concoction wafts across the bar, it catches the nostrils of the IRS man. He forgets his social security number along with everything he's ever known, for that matter, and dives head-first into the jam. This action opens up a rip in the space-time continuum, which sucks in the IRS man and the skinny Plex-O-Firm rep (right before he finishes the new window) and then closes.

      How... unfortunate.

      I'm not trying to strangle you... this is just an extremely violent neck massage.

      (This message has been edited by kraftdinnerclone (edited 07-14-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kraftdinnerclone:
      **She contents herself with making a gigantic vat full of Dutch Apple Butter, having perfected her recipe. When the scent of her delightful concoction wafts across the bar, it catches the nostrils of the IRS man. He forgets his social security number along with everything he's ever known, for that matter, and dives head-first into the jam.

      (OOC) Dutch Apple Butter? As in Pennsylvania Dutch? That brown stuff spread on bread? Do I share an ethnic background with someone here?

      Insert profound thought
      or clever witticism here

    • Swarms of moogles charge over a nearby hill, and enter the bar. Soon, it is so full, no one can move. The moogles squirm, and are repelled back outside the bar. They whine and complain, and begin picketing.

      I scream. You scream. We all scream. For pork loin.

    • what are mooples?....All hail the Crazy Go nuts University dumples! (and all the is homestarrunnery)

      Don't step on the ducks, they don't like it
      -me 😛 It is as bad as you think, they are out to get you. -my brother

    • Rawzer finds a way to end the madness, then accidently starts it all up again.

      Rawzer then kidnaps KDC almost entirely not against her will and takes her to California, and then New York City. On the way, they have brunch and idly chat about swimming pools.

      I had a (url="http://"")dream(/url) that I had about a (url="http://"")dozen(/url) (url="http://";=56&SUBMIT;=Go")links(/url) here. (url="http://";=6&SUBMIT;=Go")Mostly(/url) to other (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")places(/url) on this (url="http://";=1")site(/url). (url="http://";=10&SUBMIT;=Go")Weird(/url).

    • California and New York City? Why, this could mean a few things:

      1. Garendall exists the Earth that I know, but for whatever reason, it wasn't scanned by satellites
      2. Rawzer has a space ship to take him from this planet to the Earth that I know
      3. The same as number one, but the world is hollow (like in the book: Journey to the Center of the Earth) and Garendall is inside (along with Middle Earth, where hobbits and such live).

      Clones are people two.
      If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
      A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

    • 4. Rawzer has a time machine, and no trace of Garendall remains after a few thousand years.


    • Theories of Garendallčs existanceÉ Okay...
      5. It does exist in the Earth we know, but hidden in the ear of a dog.

      All hail Hikari, Golden Goddess of Light!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by premonition:
      **4. Rawzer has a time machine, and no trace of Garendall remains after a few thousand years.


      Elaborating on that:

      This means that I slipped into a temporal vortex before I landed on the Earth.

      Clones are people two.
      If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
      A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

    • It's possible.


    • SlaVitiCkus wakes up, regrets not posting as often as he had, because now he is utterly confused with everyone. Rawzer and KDC are missing, Thunderforge, Arianne, etc. are talking about where Garendall exists in relation He decides to talk to the table for a week to see how it reacts.

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, and Ory' hara.

    • Six small, white spaceships descend outside the bar, and one finely dressed man walks out of each ship. The six men approach SlaVitiCkus, and one of them whispers something in his ear. SlaVitiCkus looks at the men, one by one, for moment, and then he plays with a pencil and a piece of paper. The six men depart.

      I had a (url="http://"")dream(/url) that I had about a (url="http://"")dozen(/url) (url="http://";=56&SUBMIT;=Go")links(/url) here. (url="http://";=6&SUBMIT;=Go")Mostly(/url) to other (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")places(/url) on this (url="http://";=1")site(/url). (url="http://";=10&SUBMIT;=Go")Weird(/url).

    • KDC glances at the six men quizzically for a moment, and then snaps back to "reality."

      "Hey, I think one of those guys was my dentist's evil twin..." she mutters to herself.

      Following this (whatever it was), KDC buys a two-ton box of neon shoelaces and sets them in the middle of the bar. As an afterthought, she adds to the pile several rolls of duct tape and some blueberry muffins. Shrugging, she moves on to do sixteen and a half cartwheels in a perfect circle, ending with some gymnastic feat with a french-sounding name that nobody can recognize or pronounce. Jumping through the portal, the disgruntled and zany KDC transports herself back to NYC/Cali... or wherever she was.

      If you are wondering why the hell she is doing this, contact your local insane asylum (which is probably this bar) and have a chat with the clerk. They'll likely tell you that behavior such as this stems from one or more of the following: stress, lack of sleep, too much sleep, booze, drugs, or having a really insane and semi crappy week.

      I'm not trying to strangle you... this is just an extremely violent neck massage.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rawzer:
      **Six small, white spaceships descend outside the bar, and one finely dressed man walks out of each ship. The six men approach SlaVitiCkus, and one of them whispers something in his ear. SlaVitiCkus looks at the men, one by one, for moment, and then he plays with a pencil and a piece of paper. The six men depart.


      ooc: lol, is that from The Guide?

      The moogles scream and explode as a huge, white ship appears with the sound of a thousand people saying, "whop."

      Krikkit robots swarm out, decide that the golden bail would look much better as a lawn ornament than as a part of the Key. The golden bail, aka improbability drive, is set into the turf, looked at, and then nodded at.

      The Krikkit robots find the picket signs, rip off the signs, and use the signposts to play a game of cricket.

      A stray shot hits the ground next to the Blue Mushroom pub, and explodes. The pub begins to fall into the crater, when the improbability drive shudders suddenly, and the crater is filled to brimming with sunny-side-up, fried eggs.

      Miniature cows begin to dance about on the tables inside the pub, singing the macarana.

      People begin randomly turning into fresh fruit.

      Order has taken a lunch break.

      ooc: Chaos! 🙂 Yay! 😄

      I scream. You scream. We all scream. For pork loin.

    • pp, having just re-visited the Albatross and, to his shock, discovered that the bar had been turned into a webstory, sighs with relief to find the bar still in the state he left it.

      pp sets a blood-stained sword and bow on the nearest table and wipes a bit of blood off himself before ordering a drink.


      Suddenly, out of nowhere, a mini-circus and stripper club appear.

      (edit): Good golly editing fun.

      (url="http://"")the asylum(/url)

      (This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 07-15-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 07-15-2003).)

    • Arianne stares hungrily at the sword pp had just set down directly in front of her. He turns away to order a drink, and when he turns back the sword is gone. Meeting his suspicious gaze, Arianne's ivory-pale cheeks flush with the faintest pink tint. "Oh! Sorry." She hands back the sword, its blade free of any trace of blood. Arianne stares at pp's jugular in a most unnerving way.


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