CI-Ia0s walks into the bar again, so therefore he must be a "regular customer" and grabs his free Dr. Pepper (I COULD spend the money, 35,000, i may need it...). Then, seeing that the place was a little shabby, he pays people to paint the walls, adds more tables, new chairs, a new recipe book for Rawzer (wonder what Rawzer will make next...) and finally, a new mop for pp. Then, being satisfied that the bar is the best that it can be, he sits down in the new chairs (MUCH more comfortable then those old hard wooden ones...) and sips the Dr. Pepper.
OOC: it seemed that people were stating the actual amount of gold they had, so that is how much i had (and what i did with it). I also have enough rings/other objects to total 100,000-300,000 
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