A fan made EV clone, in tribute to Ambrosia SW
Poll: testing the waters (4 member(s) have cast votes)
Can you test development builds?
Yes, I can test builds for you
(4 votes [100.00%] - View)
$('l_voters_1_1').observe('click', ipb.topic.showVoters.bindAsEventListener( this, 1, 1 ) );
if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] ) ){
ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ] = [];
var users = "";
users += "<a href='http://www.ambrosiasw.com/forums/index.php?s=7f55711b67dbd5d1e5d15a003c69918f&showuser=99004'>nil0bject</a> , ";
users += "<a href='http://www.ambrosiasw.com/forums/index.php?s=7f55711b67dbd5d1e5d15a003c69918f&showuser=1489'>Oscar</a> , ";
users += "<a href='http://www.ambrosiasw.com/forums/index.php?s=7f55711b67dbd5d1e5d15a003c69918f&showuser=936'>mrxak</a> , ";
users += "<a href='http://www.ambrosiasw.com/forums/index.php?s=7f55711b67dbd5d1e5d15a003c69918f&showuser=99376'>Yan Anderson</a> ";
ipb.topic.poll[ 1 ][ 1 ] = { name: "Yes, I can test builds for you", users: users};
Percentage of vote: 100.00%
I definitely can't help you test
(0 votes [0.00%])
Percentage of vote: 0.00%
greetings pilots,
Just a quick note. I've been developing an EV clone over the past couple of days. I love EV, so I want to make an updated version of it. This will be open source.
currently implemented:
- multiplayer (did this first)
- sprite rendering
- simple 2D sprite interaction (flight)
- environmental lighting
- adjustable cameras
I've uploaded a testing version. It'd be great if someone could try it out and tell me how it went.
It's not terribly fun to play, but it's not suppose to be.
This test covers:
1. multiplayer (client/server connections, transmitting of flight data)
- priority: highest. multiplayer needs to be sorted out first and foremost. if not, it'll never be fun.
2. lighting
- there are several coloured "suns" around the position the player spawns.
- try to find them. you start in the middle. go up to find the first. when it gets dark, turn around, or disconnect and reconnect.
(test version 0.2) http://ubuntuone.com...xZVzq1oZg8qSxbs
1. click the link above
2. if you haven't already installed the Unity Web player, then follow the instructions to install it.
if you want to test by yourself:
3. click "Start Server"
4. use the controls to fly around
5. open a new web browser and go to the above address again
6. enter for the 'Address'
7. click 'Connect'
8. try to find your other ship in the other web browser
9. repeat from step 5. if you need music, open a new tab and go to the link above and click 'Music'
if you want to try this with friends, you'll have to setup port forwarding....i think....? not sure. it's spose to use NAT... I'll set up a server soonish for you guys to join and muck abou---erm, i mean test.
thrust: w( warning: i didn't cap the maximum velocity, so don't keep the forward arrow help down for long)
rotate left: a
rotate right: d
shoot primary: space
zoom in: mouse scroll down
zoom out: mouse scroll up
implemented but currently non-functional:
shoot secondary: shift
next secondary: e
previous secondary q (i plan on changing the flight controls to wasd)
closest/next target: tab
previous target: shift-tab
closest hostile: r
ps. it's actually much harder to find the light sources than i first thought. i'll fix this up soon. my advice is to move slowly. sorry for no background star field for reference.
if you want your ship graphic in the test versions, post a link for me!
other things i need:
- 3d models: because it's unity, i can replace the 2d sprites with 3d models. so i need ships, planets, asteroids, etc.
- 2d sprites: anything really.
- audio: anything
This post has been edited by nil0bject : 18 September 2011 - 09:05 AM
Reason for edit: Users may now select multiple choices for second question.