Just wondering what people think of this as an idea...
Instead of having one giant map, break up the map into a number of "star clusters" connected by jumpgates and wormholes.
Just wondering what people think of this as an idea...
Instead of having one giant map, break up the map into a number of "star clusters" connected by jumpgates and wormholes.
@psyksama, on 20 February 2011 - 07:25 PM, said in Potential Gameplay Mechanic:
Just wondering what people think of this as an idea...
Instead of having one giant map, break up the map into a number of "star clusters" connected by jumpgates and wormholes.
Acheron has three massive star clusters: Procythar, Erethon, and Vantoch. All of them are connected by hypergate.
@psyksama, on 20 February 2011 - 07:25 PM, said in Potential Gameplay Mechanic:
Just wondering what people think of this as an idea...
Instead of having one giant map, break up the map into a number of "star clusters" connected by jumpgates and wormholes.
King_Of_Manticores is right. However, it was actually a lot of fun to play Acheron, and instead of having three like Acheron, you could have twenty small ones. Exaggerating of course, but you understand my point. If you take a look at my Final Chance TC thread, I'm doing something similar, but they aren't connected by hypergates, and each are extremely different. You could do this, but have it all be the same universe.
Can you make Jumpgates pay-to-use?
Also, just wondering... can you make it so Wormholes will dump you out as at predictable location but will cause random (scalable, and potentially lethal) damage to your ship?
If you set jumpgates to have a landing fee, it costs to use them, I believe.
good idea though! So good it seems people have gone into the future just to use it jp yea im doin the same with mine. The main homeworld clusters for each race are sealed off via hypergates. which conviently enough are situated near 2-5 defensive satellites. Should make for some hectic scripted events
@sleipnir, on 21 February 2011 - 06:10 AM, said in Potential Gameplay Mechanic:
good idea though! So good it seems people have gone into the future just to use it
jp yea im doin the same with mine. The main homeworld clusters for each race are sealed off via hypergates. which conviently enough are situated near 2-5 defensive satellites. Should make for some hectic scripted events
Heh. Thinking something like that myself.
@psyksama, on 21 February 2011 - 01:32 AM, said in Potential Gameplay Mechanic:
Also, just wondering... can you make it so Wormholes will dump you out as at predictable location but will cause random (scalable, and potentially lethal) damage to your ship?
Yes to the first and no to the second. Just have Wormholes only connect to one other Wormhole (connecting to more makes it random). You can make these connections one-way if you don't want all of your wormholes to go back and forth only.
@joshtigerheart, on 21 February 2011 - 11:42 AM, said in Potential Gameplay Mechanic:
Yes to the first and no to the second. Just have Wormholes only connect to one other Wormhole (connecting to more makes it random). You can make these connections one-way if you don't want all of your wormholes to go back and forth only.
well i imagine if you wanna create some sort of damage to your vessal you could maybe create a simple ship resource that is hostile to the player upon entry. maybe make the vessal invisible via cloak and have its only weapon be a deployable mine of some sort. But then the question of player ship hp comes into question. Youd have to regulate what ship the player had before he went threw the wormhole to calculate the damage of the mine itself. Thats one workable way if not a bit barbaric lol
the ship would havta have 1 hp and be ridiculously fast to engage the player and it wouldnt be instantaneos unless the blast radius of the bomb was something fierce. also the mine would havta hurt the carrier ship and the player or youd be kinda screwed
This post has been edited by Sleipnir : 21 February 2011 - 05:35 PM
I don't actually know if this is possible, but you could make a misn resource that is automatically given to the player upon 'landing' in the wormhole, and have said mission give the player a lethal or non-lethal bomb, have the mission auto abort, and voila. In theory, of course.
@sleipnir, on 21 February 2011 - 05:33 PM, said in Potential Gameplay Mechanic:
well i imagine if you wanna create some sort of damage to your vessal you could maybe create a simple ship resource that is hostile to the player upon entry. maybe make the vessal invisible via cloak and have its only weapon be a deployable mine of some sort. But then the question of player ship hp comes into question. Youd have to regulate what ship the player had before he went threw the wormhole to calculate the damage of the mine itself. Thats one workable way if not a bit barbaric lolthe ship would havta have 1 hp and be ridiculously fast to engage the player and it wouldnt be instantaneos unless the blast radius of the bomb was something fierce. also the mine would havta hurt the carrier ship and the player or youd be kinda screwed
Look up the plug "khamikazi vipers" in the plugin directory (If it's still there, I haven't supported it at all. I've noticed a bunch of variants on the idea though). That had an AI ship which had a suicide weapon. To deal with your damage amount issue, set up an "on buy/capture" bit for each ship class (shuttle, fighter, gunship, carrier, bulk freighter, cruiser, etc.) and give ships of that class the bit to enable a different suicide-bomber which does a different amount of damage.
Nova uses this setup to enable stronger pirates and raiders with stronger ships (B8888, I think). Make sure you clear the bit (!B ) on sell/loss/capture as well, otherwise you'll end up with stacked suicide fighters.
This post has been edited by Meaker VI : 22 February 2011 - 11:46 AM
@spartan-jai, on 21 February 2011 - 05:49 PM, said in Potential Gameplay Mechanic:
I don't actually know if this is possible, but you could make a misn resource that is automatically given to the player upon 'landing' in the wormhole, and have said mission give the player a lethal or non-lethal bomb, have the mission auto abort, and voila. In theory, of course.
I like this idea... I'd have the mission drop your shields, give you a lethal or a non-lethal bomb.
Or if you have the proper outfit you never get the mission due to it shielding you form the wormhole...