Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Nova 1.0.10 bible

      For those developing editors or anyone else that's interested, Nova 1.0.10 includes an updated bible with changes to the following fields:

      shän 0x0004 flag
      dësc Graphic field
      gövt 0x1000 flag
      mďsn 0x0001 flag
      wëap Inaccuracy field
      wëap SubTheta field
      wëap 0x0008 flag

      This post has been edited by Guy : 12 July 2006 - 12:35 AM

    • shän $0004 flag

      1.0.8 Text:
      		   0x0004	The second set of frames in the base image are displayed
      					   when the ship is not carrying any of its KeyCarried type
      					   ships onboard.
      1.0.10 Text:
      		   0x0004	The second set of frames in the base image are displayed
      					   when the ship is carrying at least one of its KeyCarried
      					   type ships onboard.

      dësc graphic field

      1.0.8 Text:
      Graphic		This is used to include graphics in mission briefings. If you
      				put in the ID of a valid PICT resource, Nova will display that
      				image along with the description text when it displays a
      				mission dialog box (with the exception of the Mission Computer
      				and Mission Info dialogs).
      1.0.10 Text:
      Graphic		This is used to include graphics in mission briefings. If you
      				put in the ID of a valid PICT resource, Nova will display that
      				image along with the description text when it displays a
      				mission dialog box (with the exception of the Mission Computer
      				and Mission Info dialogs). This is also used to associate
      				graphics with bar and ship descriptions.

      gövt $1000

      1.0.8 Text:
      0x1000	 Warships will plunder non-mission, non-player enemies before
      			 destroying them
      1.0.10 Text:
      0x1000	 Warships will plunder non-mission, non-player, trader-type enemies
      			 (including the player) before destroying them

      mďsn $0001 flag

      1.0.8 Text:
      				0x0001		 Marks the mission as an auto-aborting mission,
      								 which will automatically abort itself after it
      								 is accepted. (sometimes useful to create
      								 special ships) Any control bits pointed to by
      								 the mission’s CompBitSet fields will be
      								 automatically set when the mission aborts.
      								 Note: there must be special ships associated
      								 with the mission to trigger the auto-abort.
      								 If the mission is one in which a special ship
      								 replaces a përs ship at mission start (such
      								 as for a "rescue disabled ship" mission) and
      								 the SpecialShipGoal is 2 or 5 (board or
      								 rescue) the mission will auto-abort after the
      								 special ship is boarded.
      1.0.10 Text:
      				0x0001		 Marks the mission as an auto-aborting mission,
      								 which will automatically abort itself after it
      								 is accepted. (sometimes useful to create
      								 special ships) Any control bits pointed to by
      								 the mission’s OnAbort fields will be
      								 automatically set when the mission aborts.
      								 Note: there must be special ships associated
      								 with the mission to trigger the auto-abort.
      								 If the mission is one in which a special ship
      								 replaces a përs ship at mission start (such
      								 as for a "rescue disabled ship" mission) and
      								 the SpecialShipGoal is 2 or 5 (board or
      								 rescue) the mission will auto-abort after the
      								 special ship is boarded.

      wëap inaccuracy field

      1.0.8 Text:
      Inaccuracy	 The weapon's inaccuracy as it leaves the ship (ignored for
      				 guidance-10 point defense beams)
      			   0				Fires straight
      			   1 and up		 Fires with up to this amount of inaccuracy (in
      1.0.10 Text:
      Inaccuracy	 The weapon's inaccuracy as it leaves the ship (ignored for
      				 guidance-10 point defense beams)
      			   -1 and below	 Fires to the side by this angle
      								  (absolute value in degrees)
      				0			   Fires straight
      				1 and up		Fires with up to this amount of inaccuracy
      								  (in degrees)

      wëap subtheta field

      1.0.8 Text:
      SubTheta	   The angular error of the submunitions as they are launched,
      				  as expressed in degrees error from the carrier weapons'
      1.0.10 Text:
      SubTheta	   The angular error of the submunitions as they are launched,
      				  as expressed in degrees error from the carrier weapons'
      				  heading. If this value is negative, submunitions will
      				  emerge from the parent shot in a starburst pattern, with
      				  angular separation between the submunitions equal to
      				  the absolute value of this field in degrees.

      wëap $0008 flag

      1.0.8 Text:
      			   0x0008		   For guided weapons, don't fire at fast ships
      								  (ships with turn rate > 3)
      1.0.10 Text:
      			   0x0008		   For guided weapons, don't fire at fast ships
      								  (ships with turn rate > 30)
    • Nothing tremendously new, but interesting nonetheless. Glad to see some stuff actually documented.

    • It occurs to me that EV: Nova 1.1 for Mac OS X does not come with the Nova Bible. For those who want the latest version (1.0.A) of the Nova Bible, it can be found here: Nova Bible.txt (right click to download.)

      The last edition of that document (to the time of this writing) was from EV: Nova 1.0.A, which can still be obtained by downloading the version for Mac OS classic or for Windows. Links to all current versions of EV: Nova can be found here.