That actually looks pretty good. Given the relatively early stage of Human exploration of space at this point, I think it'd make sense to have the designs look, if not primitive, still clearly less advanced than the designs of Override. In most cases I suspect this could be accomplished by using sharper angles and designs more directly reminiscent of Earth-bound planes.
One thing I'll try to do tonight is come up with a complete list of the new ships that'll be needed, and what designs, if any, they're earlier models of.
i think this plug is a great idea for the community to help develop. i mean, the faster it's 'made', the sooner we can play it.
I'm perfectly willing to do most of the work myself, in fact kinda want to (I work much better alone than in a group); but a little help now and then with things like ship modeling and mission construction would be appreciated (The_Claimer has signed on to help with the second of those, actually, so probably all set there).
And, of course, the community's comments on what they'd like to see in the plugin are always welcome :).