If it is just the licenses send me a list of the descriptions of what you wanted (or for instance if you already know that you want the Shield-Organelles as a license let me know that too). I should be able to turn them around pretty quickly using the stock Nova images.
On a side note, making these licenses would be a great way to better learn how to use Photoshop or any other image program because of their simplicity.
I'm not sure on the Mac side, but if you're running Windows and EVNEW adding these images to your plugin is also really easy. Here is a quick way to do what you want.
In Nova Graphics 1, export PICT 6135 (Capital Ships License).
Export whatever other outfit picture you want as well (I'll simply call this picture "Outfit").
Open both of these files in Photoshop (or whatever your image software is).
-- In Photoshop
Change the size of "Outfit" to 60x60 pixels. Do this by going to the Image menu and selecting Image Size.
Select all, copy, and then paste this image into the Capital Ships License image file. Move the "Outfit" image so that the top left corner is on top of the top left corner of the Pegasus. You can change the opacity of the layer if you want to make the next step easier, but it isn't really necessary.
Using the Skew command, (Edit->Transform menus) grab the middle anchor on the top of the "Outfit" image and drag it to the right until its in line with the Pegasus image below. Then grab the bottom left corner and drag it into place.
Flatten the image, then Save As a new file. Make sure it is a bitmap (the standard compression is okay).
-- back in EVNEW
Open up your outfit's picture ID and Import your new file, hit enter, and you're done.
If you still want me to do the images, just toss a reply in here with the descriptions of what you want.