Capt Josh: Yeah, you can re-render the spinning ship with the plates turned first to one side and then to the other, and EV-Nova will serve up those frames when the ship makes a hard left or right turn. i think the ship will be too small for the effect to be noticeable, though. If this is a fast ship, I'd use the banmking frames for... banking! 
Because I wanted to prove to myself how fast it could be done, here's Derakon's latest sprite in a plug: (66.21K)
Number of downloads: 10
It took less than 10 minutes, I think. (Writing this may take longer!) I just used MissionComputer and (to create the masks) GraphicConverter. Obviously, this version doesn't bank! I wouldn't suggest using these rleDs in your finished plug -- the mask is very sloppy, and I didn't give a thought to resource size optimization or EVN 1.0.9 compatibility. The plug simply replaces the shan for the shuttle with one that points to the base and glow sprites for the Atomos so you can load up a shuttle pilot and fly the Atomos/shuttle around to get a sense of how it works in-game in terms of things like style matching, scale, and engine glow functioning. Enjoy!
Edit: As to ship detail getting lost if the sprite is too small: That's what the shipyard pics are for. 
This post has been edited by Dr. Trowel : 01 March 2007 - 12:50 PM