Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Mission Computer Bug

      RE: System:AddPlanet Routine

      Hey David, I think you missed a spot in the newest version. I'm trying to update my first EVN plug-in, 'The DarthKev Plug', and I need to move a spob to a different system. However, it simply will not work.

      The spob in question is a wormhole that links to only one other wormhole. This second wormhole links back to only the first.

      The error message says that Mission Computer encountered a 'nil object' in the routine. Any ideas?

    • Alright, now I'll just download your newest version. I hope anyone with Mission Computer v4.0.6 sees this.

      Oh, also, the announcement on your page about Mission Computer v4.0.6 says it remembers the state of the system editor. In what way does it remember it? Is that as in it's position or just magnification? I ask because my copy only remembers magnification.

      This post has been edited by darthkev : 14 January 2010 - 02:35 PM

    • No, I mean I just fixed it – that's why I thanked you. I can't get new versions out quite that quickly. You'll get the usual upgrade notice when the new one is available.

      The change is that the system editor now remembers which tab was open rather than always defaulting back to the system map.

    • Alright, I'll wait. It'll put a bit of a damper on things, but I'll manage.

    • The bug is tied to other changes that occurred in 4.0.6 – the previous version appears to be able to handle this particular task without a problem.

    • Is that version still on your site? Dummy me didn't keep the old version when I downloaded the new version.

    • Yes, nearly all releases of MissionComputer are available from the old versions page.

    • Thanks, David. You rock!