Posted by Spamguy:
That's kind of a waste of a perfectly good permflag. Conversation-inclusive flags are better for things like that.
You know you have up to 99 permflags right? You might even be able to use 999, I don't know.
Posted by Aschaaf_86:
Also, nobody ever explained "conversation-inclusive-flags
A "conversation inclusive flag" is just a long name for Player Flag. Perm Flag is techincally short for Perminent Player Flag. A Perm Flag will stay with a player wherever he (she?) goes. A flag that is simply a Player Flag will not be taken out of that conversation. To scan and set simply use 4 instead of 5. However the detraction of these are that A) They are either set or not, no spefic value Cannot be set by a Perm Flag Set Spot. All in all I think Perm Flags are better because they can be set speficially, by a spot and you have unlimited anyway. For instance in my set of levels, Perm Flag #9 does elevent different things depending on its status. I'd tell you what but I'm paranoid you'd steal my ideas. Cannot share until release, cannot share until release, cannot share until release... A final note, Player Flags are more glitchy than Perm Flags so just stick to the course
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