Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • My TC won't load.

      Here's the crashlog.

      I don't have to have the descs and outfit pictures for it to load, do I?
      The "error cloning pod sprite #0" confuses me.

      Also, I've used the plug-ins with NOVA before, but not the TC. Could that be it?

      The thing that really gets me, is that there is a full map in the 3000 data 4 file, and it says no systs or spobs found. I'm sooo confused...


      EV Nova debug log

      Output on 10/9/2009 at 9:59 AM

      game engine was compiled Jun 24 2006
      game engine version is 1.0.A Windows

      opening data files & loading prefs
      initializing monitor
      initializing QuickTime
      building trig table
      opening platform tool
      opening file tool
      opening draw tool
      opening interface tool
      opening registration tool
      initializing arrays
      opening data files
      opening files in Nova Files folder:
      3000 Graphics 1.rez
      3000 Data 2shipdescs.rez
      3000 Graphics 2.rez
      3000 Ships 1.rez
      3000 Data 6.rez
      3000 Data 4.rez
      3000 Data4outfweaps.rez
      3000 Ships 2(shans).rez
      3000 Data 5.rez
      3000 data1shipgovdudes.rez
      3000 Data 3misnoutfspobdescs.rez
      opening files in Nova Plug-Ins folder:
      loading sounds
      creating window
      main window rect: (0, 0, 1024, 768)
      initializing sprite world
      creating scratch frames
      creating offscreen buffers
      starting music
      initializing strings
      initializing status bar
      initializing objects
      initializing buttons
      loading object data
      warning: no spšb resources found
      warning: no sØst resources found
      warning: Light Cannon (128) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Light Front Cannon (129) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Light Rear Cannon (130) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Light Turrets (131) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Medium Cannon (132) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Medium Turrets (133) lacks outfit picture
      warning: heavy Cannon (134) lacks outfit picture
      warning: heavy Turrets (135) lacks outfit picture
      warning: SLR 1 (136) lacks outfit picture
      warning: SLR 1 (ammo) (137) lacks outfit picture
      warning: SLR 2 (138) lacks outfit picture
      warning: SLR 2 (ammo) (139) lacks outfit picture
      warning: SPR (140) lacks outfit picture
      warning: spr (ammo) (141) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Mining Cannon (142) lacks outfit picture
      warning: space mine layer (143) lacks outfit picture
      warning: space mine (144) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Alpha Missile Launcher (145) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Alpha Missile Rack (146) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Alpha Missile (147) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Small Railgun (148) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Small Railgun Turret (149) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Small Railgun ammoclip (150) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Large Railgun (151) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Large Railgun Turret (152) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Large Railgun Ammoclip (153) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Plasma Cannon (154) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Plasma Cannon Turret (155) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Voltaic Cannon (156) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Voltaic Cannon (156) lacks description
      warning: H. Voltaic Cannon (157) lacks outfit picture
      warning: H. Voltaic Cannon (157) lacks description
      warning: Frag Rocket Launcher (158) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Frag Rocket Launcher (158) lacks description
      warning: Frag Rocket (159) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Frag Rocket (159) lacks description
      warning: Flak Turret (160) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Flak Turret (160) lacks description
      warning: Flak Shell (161) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Flak Shell (161) lacks description
      warning: Mass Driver (162) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Mass Driver (162) lacks description
      warning: Mass Driver Turret (163) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Mass Driver Turret (163) lacks description
      warning: Katana Beamer (164) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Katana Beamer (164) lacks description
      warning: Katana Turret (165) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Katana Turret (165) lacks description
      warning: Katana Point Defense (166) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Katana Point Defense (166) lacks description
      warning: Hive Missile Tube (167) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Hive Missile Tube (167) lacks description
      warning: Hive Missile (168) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Hive Missile (168) lacks description
      warning: Hornet Pod (169) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Hornet Pod (169) lacks description
      warning: Hornet Missile (170) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Hornet Missile (170) lacks description
      warning: Depletion Cannon (171) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Depletion Cannon (171) lacks description
      warning: Depletion Turret (172) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Depletion Turret (172) lacks description
      warning: Frag Missile Tube (173) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Frag Missile Tube (173) lacks description
      warning: Frag Missile (174) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Frag Missile (174) lacks description
      warning: EMP Cannon (175) lacks outfit picture
      warning: EMP Cannon (175) lacks description
      warning: Inferno Cannon (176) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Inferno Cannon (176) lacks description
      warning: Inferno Turret (177) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Inferno Turret (177) lacks description
      warning: Hellfire Tube (178) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Hellfire Tube (178) lacks description
      warning: Hellfire Missile (179) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Hellfire Missile (179) lacks description
      warning: Dragons Breath PDS (180) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Dragons Breath PDS (180) lacks description
      warning: Escape Dropper (181) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Escape Dropper (181) lacks description
      warning: Escape Flare (182) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Escape Flare (182) lacks description
      warning: HyperDrive Missile Tube (183) lacks outfit picture
      warning: HyperDrive Missile Tube (183) lacks description
      warning: HyperDrive Missile Tube (184) lacks outfit picture
      warning: HyperDrive Missile Tube (184) lacks description
      warning: SLR 1 Rack (185) lacks outfit picture
      warning: SLR 1 Rack (185) lacks description
      warning: SPR Rack (186) lacks outfit picture
      warning: SPR Rack (186) lacks description
      warning: Alpha Rack (187) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Alpha Rack (187) lacks description
      warning: Frag Rack (188) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Frag Rack (188) lacks description
      warning: Frag Missile Rack (189) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Frag Missile Rack (189) lacks description
      warning: Hellfire Rack (190) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Hellfire Rack (190) lacks description
      warning: Shielding Drone Bay (191) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Shielding Drone Bay (191) lacks description
      warning: test bays (192) lacks outfit picture
      warning: test bays (192) lacks description
      warning: test bays (193) lacks outfit picture
      warning: test bays (193) lacks description
      warning: (194) lacks outfit picture
      warning: (194) lacks description
      warning: Register (444) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Engine Mod (445) lacks outfit picture
      warning: Reliable (454) lacks outfit picture
      warning: outfit item 182 grants ammo to nonexisent weapon
      warning: outfit item 184 grants ammo to nonexisent weapon
      warning: Shuttle (128) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Shuttle (129) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Courier (crappy) (130) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Courier (Updated) (131) has 2 turreted weapons but its maximum is 1
      warning: Used Courier (Updated) (131) lacks hiring description
      warning: New Courier (132) lacks hiring description
      warning: Light Freightor (133) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Light Freightor (134) lacks hiring description
      warning: Upgraded Light Freightor (135) lacks hiring description
      warning: Scoutship (136) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Scoutship (137) lacks hiring description
      warning: Upgraded Scoutship (138) has 6 gun-type weapons but its maximum is 4
      warning: Upgraded Scoutship (138) lacks hiring description
      warning: Cobra (139) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Cobra (140) lacks hiring description
      warning: Upgraded Cobra (141) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 190 on ship type 142 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: New Rig (142) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 190 on ship type 143 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Used Rig (143) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 190 on ship type 144 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Upgraded Rig (144) lacks hiring description
      warning: New Transporter (145) has 2 turreted weapons but its maximum is 1
      warning: New Transporter (145) lacks hiring description
      warning: Mining Ship (146) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Mining Ship (147) lacks hiring description
      warning: Mining Ship (148) lacks hiring description
      warning: Falcon (149) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Falcon (150) lacks hiring description
      warning: Upgraded Falcon (151) lacks hiring description
      warning: Raptor (152) has 7 gun-type weapons but its maximum is 6
      warning: Raptor (152) lacks hiring description
      warning: Used Raptor (153) lacks hiring description
      warning: Upgraded Raptor (154) has 7 gun-type weapons but its maximum is 6
      warning: Upgraded Raptor (154) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 136 on ship type 158 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: weapon ID 136 on ship type 159 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: weapon ID 143 on ship type 159 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: weapon ID 186 on ship type 167 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: weapon ID 159 on ship type 170 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: weapon ID 159 on ship type 171 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: weapon ID 159 on ship type 172 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: weapon ID 169 on ship type 173 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Kamikaze Shuttle (173) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 169 on ship type 174 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Kamikaze Light Freightor (174) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 169 on ship type 175 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Kamikaze Bulk Freightor (175) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 169 on ship type 176 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: KamikazeFalcon (176) lacks hiring description
      warning: Jack light Interceptor (177) lacks hiring description
      warning: Redcollar Raider Scoutship (178) has 2 turreted weapons but its maximum is 1
      warning: Redcollar Raider Scoutship (178) lacks hiring description
      warning: Entanglement Web (179) has 1 gun-type weapon but its maximum is 0
      warning: weapon ID 166 on ship type 179 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Entanglement Web (179) lacks hiring description
      warning: RC Clipper (180) lacks hiring description
      warning: Draconic Serpent (Cobra) (182) lacks hiring description
      warning: Exiled Draconic Cobra (184) lacks hiring description
      warning: Pirate Warship (186) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 189 on ship type 187 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Pirate Cobra (187) lacks hiring description
      warning: Pirate Falcon (188) lacks hiring description
      warning: weapon ID 189 on ship type 189 lacks corresponding oŸtf resource
      warning: Pirate Raptor (189) lacks hiring description
      warning: Tugger (191) lacks purchase description
      warning: Tugger (191) lacks hiring description
      warning: New Rig (500) lacks hiring description
      warning: Tugger (501) lacks purchase description
      warning: Tugger (501) lacks hiring description
      loading mission data
      propagating mission bit effects
      showing splash screen
      loading sprites
      error loading sprite from RLE resource, sp•n ID 3012
      checking memory
      loading ship sprites
      warning: Shuttle (128) lacks target picture
      warning: Shuttle (128) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Shuttle (129) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Shuttle (129) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Courier (crappy) (130) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Courier (crappy) (130) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Courier (Updated) (131) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Courier (Updated) (131) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: New Courier (132) lacks target picture
      warning: New Courier (132) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Light Freightor (133) lacks target picture
      warning: Light Freightor (133) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Light Freightor (134) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Light Freightor (134) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Upgraded Light Freightor (135) lacks target picture
      warning: Upgraded Light Freightor (135) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Scoutship (136) lacks target picture
      warning: Scoutship (136) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Scoutship (137) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Scoutship (137) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Upgraded Scoutship (138) lacks target picture
      warning: Upgraded Scoutship (138) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Cobra (139) lacks target picture
      warning: Cobra (139) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Cobra (140) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Cobra (140) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Upgraded Cobra (141) lacks target picture
      warning: Upgraded Cobra (141) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: New Rig (142) lacks target picture
      warning: New Rig (142) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Rig (143) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Rig (143) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Upgraded Rig (144) lacks target picture
      warning: Upgraded Rig (144) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: New Transporter (145) lacks target picture
      warning: New Transporter (145) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Mining Ship (146) lacks target picture
      warning: Mining Ship (146) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Mining Ship (147) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Mining Ship (147) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Mining Ship (148) lacks target picture
      warning: Mining Ship (148) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Falcon (149) lacks target picture
      warning: Falcon (149) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Falcon (150) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Falcon (150) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Upgraded Falcon (151) lacks target picture
      warning: Upgraded Falcon (151) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Raptor (152) lacks target picture
      warning: Raptor (152) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Used Raptor (153) lacks target picture
      warning: Used Raptor (153) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Upgraded Raptor (154) lacks target picture
      warning: Upgraded Raptor (154) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: UROS Interceptor (155) lacks target picture
      warning: UROS Interceptor (155) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: UROS Patrol Fighter (156) lacks target picture
      warning: UROS Patrol Fighter (156) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: UROS Destroyer (157) lacks target picture
      warning: UROS Destroyer (157) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: UROS Battleship (158) lacks target picture
      warning: UROS Battleship (158) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: UROS Dreadnought (159) lacks target picture
      warning: UROS Dreadnought (159) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: UROS Carrier (160) lacks target picture
      warning: UROS Carrier (160) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Interceptor (161) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Interceptor (161) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Fighter (162) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Fighter (162) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Heavy Fighter (163) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Heavy Fighter (163) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Gunship (164) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Gunship (164) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Scoutship (165) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Scoutship (165) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Destroyer (166) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Destroyer (166) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Carrier (167) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Carrier (167) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: DCW Cruiser (168) lacks target picture
      warning: DCW Cruiser (168) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Jitte Interceptor (169) lacks target picture
      warning: Jitte Interceptor (169) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Xing Frigate (170) lacks target picture
      warning: Xing Frigate (170) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Ming Frigate (171) lacks target picture
      warning: Ming Frigate (171) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: TE Carrier (172) lacks target picture
      warning: TE Carrier (172) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Kamikaze Shuttle (173) lacks target picture
      warning: Kamikaze Shuttle (173) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Kamikaze Light Freightor (174) lacks target picture
      warning: Kamikaze Light Freightor (174) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Kamikaze Bulk Freightor (175) lacks target picture
      warning: Kamikaze Bulk Freightor (175) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: KamikazeFalcon (176) lacks target picture
      warning: KamikazeFalcon (176) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Jack light Interceptor (177) lacks target picture
      warning: Jack light Interceptor (177) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Redcollar Raider Scoutship (178) lacks target picture
      warning: Redcollar Raider Scoutship (178) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Entanglement Web (179) lacks target picture
      warning: Entanglement Web (179) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: RC Clipper (180) lacks target picture
      warning: RC Clipper (180) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Draconic Guardian (181) lacks target picture
      warning: Draconic Guardian (181) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Draconic Serpent (Cobra) (182) lacks target picture
      warning: Draconic Serpent (Cobra) (182) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Draconic Dredgeling (183) lacks target picture
      warning: Draconic Dredgeling (183) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Exiled Draconic Cobra (184) lacks target picture
      warning: Exiled Draconic Cobra (184) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Exiled Draconic Dredgeling (185) lacks target picture
      warning: Exiled Draconic Dredgeling (185) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Pirate Warship (186) lacks target picture
      warning: Pirate Warship (186) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Pirate Cobra (187) lacks target picture
      warning: Pirate Cobra (187) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Pirate Falcon (188) lacks target picture
      warning: Pirate Falcon (188) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Pirate Raptor (189) lacks target picture
      warning: Pirate Raptor (189) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Civilian Guardian (190) lacks target picture
      warning: Civilian Guardian (190) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Tugger (191) lacks target picture
      warning: Tugger (191) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: New Rig (500) lacks target picture
      warning: New Rig (500) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Tugger (501) lacks target picture
      warning: Tugger (501) lacks shipyard picture
      configuring sprites
      error cloning pod sprite, #0

    • Huh. Weird.

      Try opening up all those plug-ins using EVNEW and checking to make sure that they have their resources. DO NOT save the files after you're done viewing them. If those check out, make sure you don't have more than 15 MB of resources in any one file or that they don't exceed a set amount of resources per resource. (there's a set limit per resource per file, I think it's about 256 resources. .rez handles things differently though, I'm not sure the limit counts) Other than trying removing those plug-ins I haven't a clue.

    • QUOTE (JacaByte @ Sep 8 2009, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

      Huh. Weird.

      Try opening up all those plug-ins using EVNEW and checking to make sure that they have their resources. DO NOT save the files after you're done viewing them. If those check out, make sure you don't have more than 15 MB of resources in any one file or that they don't exceed a set amount of resources per resource. (there's a set limit per resource per file, I think it's about 256 resources. .rez handles things differently though, I'm not sure the limit counts) Other than trying removing those plug-ins I haven't a clue.

      There's no set limit per resource, it's just a linear search per file so it is optimal to spread each resource type between files.
      Edit: did you integrate absolute minimum into one of these, or just guess what was important?

      This post has been edited by Nonconventionally Creative : 12 September 2009 - 05:39 PM

    • Check and make sure all your graphics related resources point to the right things and all your other resources refer to the right graphics. This might be the cause, but probably not...


      error loading sprite from RLE resource, sp•n ID 3012

      Also, I recommend at least creating placeholders for all those missing resources the debuglog complains about, just to clean it up. The resources can even be blank, just put something there so the debuglog becomes easier to read.

    • I'm sure no one cares about this topic anymore, but I wanted to let everyone know how stupid I am.
      I checked all the resources and everything was right.

      The problem was that I had "random EVO fixes" in the plug-in folder when I tried to load the TC.
      I'm an idiot. lol.

      This post has been edited by -REDCHIGH- : 17 December 2009 - 03:59 PM