And Law Enforcement
We've all noticed that it is quite common for innocent bystanders to be killed in battles of all sorts, including battles in which their own government is involved, but does nothing to help them. This is a very odd idea, but lets say I want the very highest ships in the government's fleet to have technology that will protect innocent bystanders. Perhaps this technology somehow creates shields for other ships, pushes them out of a battle, etcetera. Not only would this be a great technology just to play around with, but it would also be great for "escort ship to such and such a place" missions. My two ideas at the moment are some sort of repulsor blast that pushes anyone, friend or foe, away from the player's ship. This could create more than just the tactical advantage of protecting a certain ship, and could be used in other ways.
My second idea is somewhat odder: the player purchases an on-board fighter, that can be launched like any other fighter but has no weaponry, relatively high shield/armor capacity, and very good speed and maneuverability. The sprite could be whatever, but for my purposes let's say it's either a shield sprite or some sort of spherical tech thing. The player would launch this fighter, and command it to attack whatever ship the player wanted to protect. The AI would attempt to attack the protected ship, but without weaponry, all that it could do would be to hover around it. Depending on the stats, the way in which the fighter would hover around the protected ship would differ, but the basic idea would be that incoming shots would hopefully hit the player's fighter ship instead of the ship that's supposed to be protected. The major problem with this is that the ship would still follow the keyboard shortcuts for escort commands, and so commanding the fleet to attack a target would cause the escort ship to do the same. As such I don't think that this method is particularly useful. Indeed I don't think the feature is even particularly useful, but it's late and I had the thought. Any other ideas? Anyone ever think of implementing something to make those "protect this ship on it's way to deliver..." missions easier? Not that they aren't fun as they are...