Ok, having just read this thread I know you get this all the time, but - Wow! It all looks stunning. And well done on the other cultures front, always good to get away from the U.S.A./Western-centred style that's so prevalent in sci-fi thingumies... Good luck with it all!
@verb, on Apr 28 2008, 04:37 AM, said in Revenant:
Worry not! Progress has been made. Expect major updates over the summer.
Updates? That's good... but how about releases? Any chance we'll see one of those this summer?
Your complete vision is no doubt awesome, but I'd rather see something come out before OS and machine evolution renders EVN obsolete. For instance, you could release your Voinian War re-do first, then add the Crescent as a Phase II expansion. Cartwright has said that the original plan for EVO didn't include the Crescent... so there you go -- you'd just be following his own pattern.
(Of course, I don't have time to complete my own projects, so who am I to talk? :rolleyes:)
@dr--trowel, on Apr 28 2008, 02:46 PM, said in Revenant:
Updates? That's good... but how about releases? Any chance we'll see one of those this summer?
Your complete vision is no doubt awesome, but I'd rather see something come out before OS and machine evolution renders EVN obsolete. For instance, you could release your Voinian War re-do first, then add the Crescent as a Phase II expansion. Cartwright has said that the original plan for EVO didn't include the Crescent... so there you go -- you'd just be following his own pattern.
Duly noted.
I intend to complete the whole thing at once. There's reasons for this being necessary.
@grenth, on Apr 22 2008, 03:33 PM, said in Revenant:
Will there be more renegade ships? And are the weapon fire rates going to make sense this time? Unlike some of Escape Velocity Nova's weapons. I'm looking at you light blaster turrets <_<
Yes. There's new everything. All the ships have gone through updating or redesigning. The renegades have some formidable ships, (well, let's just say they can --but that depends on you captain :D).
As for weapons, I've attempted to achieve balance between different fighting styles. There are primaries that are brutal but slow, fast and efficient but less powerful etc. In total there are close to 80 different weapons.
This post has been edited by Verb : 09 May 2008 - 05:08 AM
Sorry for the topic digging but i had to ask , is this still being worked on? and is there a website i can check for progress reports and such?
On a side note: To carify what i mean/meant by fire rates that made sense i will give an example . the light blaster in nova has a fire rate of 10 for 1 cannon , and the the light blaster turret also has a fire rate of 10 even though the outfit shows the turret having 2 cannons. so i just wanted to know if Revenant fixes this problem.
thanks for your time
@grenth, on Sep 22 2008, 01:45 PM, said in Revenant:
Sorry for the topic digging but i had to ask , is this still being worked on? and is there a website i can check for progress reports and such?
We haven't really heard from Verb or UE_Research & Development in a long while, and I haven't seen them post anything lately, either. It could be that Real Life has taken their time up again.
As for progress reports, Verb asked for a vote on if he should report on the progress with Revenant here or on a personal website, and we told him it would be best to leave progress reports here.
Can any progress be shown on this beastly plug-in? We don't NEEd pictures but I wouldn't mind XD
I just want to see what you have accomplished -
You could try emailing either Verb or UE, but if they don't have email addresses listed on their profiles, you will have to just hope they are still working on it. It always sucks how Real Life steps in and either slows or completely stops progress on great TCs, such as Revenant.
This post has been edited by king_of_manticores : 11 October 2008 - 05:01 PM
Just a note on a past post of mine. If they decide NOT to go forward with the TC/plugin, at LEAST upload those fantastic graphics and/or ships (mostly ships) as separate plugins. If they don't want to use them, I am sure someone would, as long as the proper people got the proper recognition for their work.
This post has been edited by UE_Research & Development: 09 March 2009 - 02:24 AM
Yes! He returns with an update! glee
Real LifeΒ can be a real pain, can't it?
My lappy's broke, so even if this was released tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the awesomeness.
Still, best of luck to both of you!
Glad to know Revenant is still in progress. Out of pure curiosity, what new updates are you willing to share with us?
@grenth, on Sep 22 2008, 02:45 PM, said in Revenant:
i just wanted to know if Revenant fixes this problem.
In short, yes it does.
@king_of_manticores, on Oct 17 2008, 06:34 PM, said in Revenant:
Glad to know Revenant is still in progress. Out of pure curiosity, what new updates are you willing to share with us?
Glad to know people are still waiting for it. As far as updates go, let's just say things are going well.
I keep intending to set up a website. I programmed one a while back but never got around to setting up content for it. Things are starting to ramp up again so look forward to some interesting stuff in the coming months.
This post has been edited by Verb : 25 October 2008 - 02:31 AM
Alright, good. I'd like to see what interesting ideas you can come up with.
By the way, is this TC meant for the EVO port, or do you just stick it in to the plug-ins/Nova Files folder like every other TC?
... wow
I'd say I'm speechless, but in fact I could wax lyrical with praise for a while, so I won't.
Makes me wonder just how long ago I stopped coming to these forums, as I don't remember ever hearing about this until I started playing Nova again last week ...
Well, I haven't seen the "old" threads on that other forum, so I know nothing apart from what's in this one - and that's 99% graphics as far as solid info goeths - but said graphics are certainly extremely impressive.
Although ... for some reason the Tita^H^H^H^HButtercup reminds me of the Nova Heavy Shuttle o_Γ