can it work?
Hi all, Im making a new plugin, but it requires painted escorts. What Im asking is if when a new kind of ship comes with a paint outfit, will escort AIs use the paint?
can it work?
Hi all, Im making a new plugin, but it requires painted escorts. What Im asking is if when a new kind of ship comes with a paint outfit, will escort AIs use the paint?
Unfortunately, escort AIs cannot use paint jobs.
If they're mission escorts, couldn't you use the PaintColor field of the Govt resource? Too bad you can't customize the player govt... or does it inherit from 128?
so basically, if I made a Mac_Dude frigate, and made it come with Mac_Dudes supe hi-tech paint, it wouldnt be red as an escort?
@mac_dude, on Aug 28 2008, 02:28 PM, said in Paint outfits on escorts?:
so basically, if I made a Mac_Dude frigate, and made it come with Mac_Dudes supe hi-tech paint, it wouldnt be red as an escort?
I don't believe so. If you're creating a new ship, though, you don't need to mess about with paint outfits - you can just make its graphics red to begin with.
Test case
Edit: that is to say, it works
and is a sample of having colored escorts.
This post has been edited by Nonconventionally Creative : 28 August 2008 - 02:13 PM
Actually, I just modified an IDA Frigate.
@nonconventionally-creative, on Aug 28 2008, 12:12 PM, said in Paint outfits on escorts?:
Test case
Edit: that is to say, it works
and is a sample of having colored escorts.
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! etc. etc.
Look for a Mac Dude Plugin thread in a while. Thanks for all the help.
The key is in the dude
because it points to the govt.
@nonconventionally-creative, on Aug 28 2008, 12:40 PM, said in Paint outfits on escorts?:
The key is in the dude
because it points to the govt.
Well, the Trekkies government doesn't have colors. Because I use arpian ships it would just plain look bad.
Oh, and this will probably have a greater effect with light-colored ships. It looks bad if the color is too dark, like the blue in my example.
So it's possible to paint mission-related escorts? How interesting.
This post has been edited by king_of_manticores : 28 August 2008 - 05:50 PM
yes, I believe you can add colour to düdes, or at least gövts and përs-s
A përs can have its own paint. A düde can't directly, but it can belong to a government, and a gövt can have its own paint colour which applies to all its ships.