@guy, on Jul 9 2008, 01:31 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a9 now available:
Freezes when opening a DITL with no elements.
Fixed, thanks.
@0101181920, on Jul 9 2008, 02:37 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a9 now available:
In the shďp editor, you have a little thing to put in the target pic and the 200x200 pic, but there isn't one for the cinematic thingie in the shipyard when you click on the info button.
As Guy says, the large image displayed in the Info window is controlled not by any reference in the shďp resource, but by the 'Graphic' field in the ship's dësc resource. I find this highly unintuitive, but I couldn't make it work any other way without substantially distorting the format, and automating things which are better left at the user's discretion.