@archon, on Apr 25 2008, 11:17 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Wonderful! Thanks for all the hard work David!
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Awesome to see MC Intel-native again 
@evweb, on Apr 26 2008, 03:13 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Glad you like it. 
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Automatic sizing of DLOG and RLE editor windows.
Perhaps - the latter will be easier than the former.
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Also, I've noticed I can reduce the width of an RLE window such that the dimensions disappear and the Export Sprite button covers up the Show menu (btw, why is Export Sprite here rather than in the Export menu?).
Fixed, thanks. The Export menu is a bit overcomplicated; I'm still thinking about what form it will take in the eventual MissionComputer 4.0.
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Ability to select multiple items in the graphical pickers.
Unlike the text-based list, which is a standard control, the graphical picker is a custom control called FinderCanvas, which will need a major overhaul before it can handle multiple selections. I haven't yet decided whether this will be happening for 4.0.
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Can you make the name editable?
Doing so would lead to Bad Things happening.
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
Can you make the fields for type and creator always visible? Have it automatically switch to custom if you change them.
Yes, I've been thinking of changing it to work this way - behind the scenes, the pop-up menu works by changing the contents of the text fields anyway, so it shouldn't present any problems.
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
If you want to get all the types you missed a couple: Nova pilot and Nova movie
(why is QT movie included?)
There's no such thing as a 'Nova movie'; if you look at the movies in the Nova Files folder, you'll see that their codes are MooV/TVOD, just like any other QuickTime movie. Hence the answer to your second question. 
As for pilot files, I suppose I can include them, although they aren't really part of MissionComputer's remit at the moment (movie files are, if only because you might want to add 'vers' resource before distributing them).
@guy, on Apr 26 2008, 12:20 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
The time menus look a bit odd. Does RB not have widgets for date/time control? Perhaps it would look better with separators (colons) between the menus.
(edit) Maybe fields (with steppers?) instead of menus would be better.
I thought about various ways to implement this; I settled on the one I chose both because it doesn't allow any possibility of invalid input, and because it allows me to label it for both 12- and 24-hour clocks.
@evweb, on Apr 26 2008, 03:13 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a6 - latest alpha now available:
The help for NCB editing no longer shows up.
Ah, yes. Those are unfortunately based on the old 'mĺnu'-based help system, which I've had to deactivate because it relies on technology that's increasingly unreliable, especially on Intel; for the main help system, I've replaced it with HTML, but I'd forgotten it was still used there. I'm going to have to find a new way of embedding that text.