@general-cade-smart, on May 7 2008, 08:24 AM, said in Continueing on? [old topic]:
How about retribution?
It was supposed to be done before fatal alliance, another crusty old plug that has been dead for years and only I remember.
It had the coolest idea ever, the Voinians and the Igadzra teaming up. That, logically thinking (too logically!) the Igadzra arent evil I dont care about... The Igadzra shields and Voinian armor! Oo la laa! The challenge of a lifetime! And the UE had the biggest challenge ever. Suddenly Voinians werent weak anymore (weak enough to be contained); they werent reasonably good at best (my opinion; there is really powerful parts about them like huge weapon space and really weak parts like no guided weapons and totally non-existent shields (??) )And then they team up with the Miranu (or was it that way? I only saw the huge amounts of mission texts to be corrected and never saw the newest 140 pages of text... I would have liked to see them, because it could have been more interesting because it was new and maybe it would have the continued the story... I would have liked to see the story continued after mission 21, so I could have continued (reading) the fathers story; it sorta left me in a cliffhanger. Well, okay, not a cliffhanger, but I would have liked to continue the story anyways. )
Oh, dont you just love run-on sentences inside a ( ) ? I invented the first run-on sencetence inside a ). Whee! LOL. But I know you wont mind it- you will just read as usual. The plug was so interesting I would give you anything to get just a developer version of it- that is, the one you had. I would be interested in even it- a incomplete developer version! And still am. Can I have it? After all, I was your spell-checker
So how is the state of Fatal Alliance? I didnt say much about retribution, and wrote paragraphs of the aforementioned, because I never cared about retribution. It was the only thing in the way of the plug I really cared about.
So yeah, I am really happy if you answer both, especially Retribution, because it was my original question and stands in the way of the plug I really like. A short joke question about Retribution turned to my epic-length posts... interesting...
Wow... That was a grand amount of... Something...
I see that this topic was unearthed by mistake and I do wish it would stay dead. Arpia II has come out and new, kool ideas for TC's are here also that are going very well.
Once again I just want to repeat I didn't want to offend anyone here when I posted this.
If you want you can help me in the "Need help making plug for friend" topic I've made. All help is welcomed.
PS: Everyone who has made a plug and posted it before, thanks!